Password Manager

Best Cross Platform Password Manager for Business Users: An Overview of What to Look For

Data breaches can be really huge and costly these days. Even small companies and professionals are often targeted by hackers. One of the biggest reasons for a security breach on any scale is due to carelessness with a password. Nobody likes using a different, long complex password for each and every one of their accounts, but it’s absolutely essential to do so in order to make them extremely difficult for anybody else to figure out or hack. Luckily, a solution can be found with the best cross platform password manager.

There are many password managers out there, some of which are free. However, they are often browser-based or platform-based. Not all of them are designed to work on every platform, which is something that any business user will need. Professionals do work on desktops, laptops, iPhones, Androids, etc. these days. It would be annoying for a password management tool to memorize and store passwords on one device but not on others.

Any device that can access information has the potential for unauthorized access, so it’s important to have the best security possible on all devices, and password managers definitely play a role in internet security. Typically, a password management tool will require the user create an online account and set up a strong, complex master password. Some managers can even be used to create the master password itself. It should be strong enough that nobody – including hackers with advanced tools, will be able to figure it out, yet still something that the user should be able to remember.

Best Cross Platform Password Manager Abilities

In addition to passwords, the best cross platform password manager should be able to store all sorts of user details from every account: username, email, phone number, credit card numbers, addresses, documents, and other personal information. Anything that could potentially be hacked or stolen should be kept securely in a “vault” with advanced encryption technology, which should only be accessible by the user who has the master password. Some security providers take it a step further and require a two-step authentication process. This is very useful as it adds an added layer of security by requiring the user to pass a biometric scan and then enter some type of code, which is usually either sent via text message or provided from a virtual one-time passcode generator.

What, exactly, is the best cross platform password manager for businesses? While every company has its own individual needs, Kaspersky Password Manager really offers a solution for most of those needs. It does a good job of syncing across Mac, Windows, Android, and iOS.