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Recommended Password Managers

Recommended Password Managers: Why Every User Needs One

We live in a digital age where everyone has to remember multiple passwords. And the more accounts we have, the harder it is to keep track of them all. That’s why every user needs a password manager. There are some recommended password managers on the market, but which one is right for you?

A password manager is a program or service that manages passwords for the user. It can store usernames and passwords in a database, generate random password suggestions, monitor websites with matching credentials (to detect when they’ve been hacked), etc.

A good password manager is secure enough to protect your information from hackers, so you don’t have to worry about it anymore. When using a password manager, you only need to remember the master password. The program will then generate and remember very secure passwords for you.

A recommended password manager has a good track record of security and easy to use.

Password managers are not exclusive items. You can install them on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. The best way to find the right one for you is by researching reviews online.

If you work with sensitive information, you should get a password manager. Password managers can be as simple or complex as you want, and the most important thing is that they will keep your passwords safe.

You should get a password manager if you work with sensitive information because they are easy to protect yourself from cyberattacks.

Recommended Password Managers Types

There are many different types of password managers. Some store all your passwords in one location. Others require users to memorize their master key (or two) before seeing any other data. It’s up to each person which route they’d prefer.

Using passwords repeatedly is a bad idea, so besides storing your password, a password manager can also generate powerful passwords. By using solid and random passwords and keeping them in a place that a single password of your choice can access, you make your online presence much more secure.

You can get a password manager online. Just download the desired program and install it on your computer. It will then give you instructions about using them on online forms to log in with a single click.

With all the breaches in recent years, it’s more important than ever to take steps to protect your passwords. One of our recommended password managers is 1Password. You should start using one today to stay safe in today’s online world.


Top Antivirus for PC: Current Threats, What is an Antivirus, and How It Helps

The PC is an essential part of business and personal life in the modern days. Sadly, it is also a prime target for hackers looking to steal your information or compromise your system with malware. To protect yourself against these threats, you need antivirus software on your machine. The top antivirus for PC will protect you and your system from most current threats.

Current Threats on Computer Systems

Hackers are always on the prowl for new ways to steal your information. In this digital age, it is now easier than ever before for them to reach their goal through different avenues of attack. Some common threats include:

  • Malware that can infect a system and cause problems with stability or security.
  • Viruses that introduce themselves into systems to extract data from hard drives or corrupt files.
  • Spyware which hackers can use to monitor keystrokes, emails, and web browsing histories without permission.

In addition to these current threats, there’s also ransomware – malicious software designed specifically as an extortion tool against victims. It may take over computers until the victim pays ransom money (usually around $300, paid in untraceable virtual currencies).

What is an Antivirus and Why It’s Essential

An antivirus is a type of software that can scan your computer for threats. It may be automatic protection against malicious programs or installed to check any new contacts with the system (for instance, via USB device). Antiviruses are essential because they give you peace of mind and prevent damage from occurring to your information – on top of preventing malware infections, spyware, and ransomware attacks. They may come pre-installed on laptops by hardware manufacturers or retailers. Still, free versions exist, which allow users additional control over their security settings.

Antivirus software is vital protection for PCs. It monitors and detects potential attacks on a computer, such as viruses or spyware that can steal your personal information.

To protect against ransomware, experts recommend using an antivirus to backup data periodically in case of attack, use good password management practices and enable two-factor authentication if available. Also, install security updates from manufacturers when possible because these often include fixes for known exploits before they become public knowledge.

Some standard features you may find are virus scanning, phishing detection, spam filtering, anti-malware (protects computers from malware), internet filter controls (limits access based on content ratings), and more.

Top Antivirus for PC: Paid vs. Free

When considering an antivirus solution, experts highly recommend considering a paid antivirus. On the other hand, a free antivirus may be sufficient for a device with limited use and less critical data. Still, experts advise users on more sensitive devices to invest in an upgrade.

The top paid antivirus programs are Norton, McAfee, Kaspersky, Avast, and Bitdefender. These are all reputable, experienced antivirus companies with excellent protection.

Some free antiviruses offer adequate features for most users. Some of these include Avira and AVG.

As long as users are appropriately cautious about what they download to their computer, such an antivirus solution may be sufficient on a device without sensitive data or critical usage. However, when data is susceptible, experts recommend a paid antivirus.

If you’re in the market for a top antivirus for PC, it’s essential to understand all of your options. You should consider how much time and money you are willing to spend on antivirus and what features are most important to you. For example, suppose you want malware protection that doesn’t slow down your computer or drain its battery life. In that case, Bitdefender is worth considering because they have both these qualities at no cost.


The Best Secure VPN: What is a VPN, When to Use One and How it Works

Have you ever been on a public Wi-Fi network and worried about what other people might be doing with your data? The best way to protect yourself from this is to use the best secure VPN or virtual private network. But not all VPNs are created equal. Many different factors make one better than the others, and it’s essential to know them to choose well.

What is a VPN and How Does It Work

A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is an encrypted tunnel from your device to a VPN server. When you enter the tunnel, all of your data travels along with it. No one else can access it except for those on either end of the connection – you and whoever or whatever computer hosts the VPN server. It’s like having someone guard over what you do online so only people who are supposed to see it get to look at anything.

A VPN does more than protect privacy. They also allow maximum bandwidth on public networks by encrypting traffic rather than sending everything in plain text as unencrypted packets. This property means that if there’s congestion on a network due to too many devices trying to use it, using a VPN can lower network usage.

A VPN is handy when you’re trying to access restricted content on the internet. Many people want to do with their newly found anonymity is downloading blocked material in their country. Such content includes YouTube videos or podcasts. With a good VPN, this becomes possible without worrying about being tracked by your ISP and government authorities because all traffic coming from these servers is encrypted.

When You Should Use a VPN

Using a VPN is essential when using a public network or when you are in a hostile environment. Suppose you are using a public network, such as one at the airport or any other coffee shop. In that case, it’s best to use an encrypted VPN to protect your data. You may not be sure whether you can trust the company providing the Wi-Fi service with your information. That’s because they don’t have a high reputation for privacy (or if there is no way of telling). Then, it’s best to avoid logging on without protection and find another connection point instead.

A secure VPN encrypts all traffic coming from both outside and inside sources by default. As a result, nobody will be able to read what these packets contain – this includes government authorities who might try tapping into unencrypted connections as well. The only thing they’ll see is that traffic exists but won’t be able to read it.

The Best Secure VPN for Different Needs

  • VPNs are useful for several purposes:
  • Protection on public Wi-Fi networks.
  • Protection against hostile governments.
  • Accessing content restricted to specific locations.

The best secure VPN for most people is ProtonVPN. It has many servers in many countries worldwide. This spread allows you to access geo-restricted content on different streaming providers such as Netflix or Amazon Prime Video. It also supports Tor over VPN functionality. This ability means your IP address will not leak out if you want to use the internet anonymously at public Wi-Fi hotspots. Furthermore, with unlimited bandwidth and up to five simultaneous connections per plan (at no extra charge), we think ProtonVPN is an excellent choice for network security.


The Best Backup Service: Customizing Where and When You Back Up Data

The best backup service provides you with the ability to choose how often to back up your data and where it’s stored. This way, you can customize your backup schedule so that it’s not too time-consuming or expensive. Many people use cloud services for their backups because they are inexpensive and offer much flexibility.

A backup service is a type of online storage that stores data on your behalf. You can use it to store anything from photos and videos to documents and music files. The best kind of backup service lets you choose how often to run backups – this ensures it doesn’t take too much time or cost too much money.

Every time you save a piece of data to your computer, it’s vulnerable. This vulnerability means that if the hard drive crashes or gets stolen, all those files are gone forever, and you can’t recover them. A backup service provides an additional layer of security for your data, storing it on the back-end.

Cloud services are best known for storing anything from photos and videos to documents and music files. These storage providers allow you to choose backup frequency – this ensures that it doesn’t take too much time or cost too much money. If there’s any problem with your device or hard drive, then all of your information is safe in more than one place. A cloud provider will typically offer both online access and physical devices to upload your personally generated content at home (DVDs/USB drives).

Best Backup Service Should Include Cloud Storage

You’ll want to remember that you have a few options when it comes to storage. The best place for your data is where the physical location doesn’t matter, like in the cloud.

If security and stability are essential considerations, storing backups on-site might be best for you. This option needs some upfront investment and careful consideration about what types of content you can store offline without costing too much money (offices may need expensive servers).

A candidate for the best backup service is Backblaze, which offers custom schedules and allows you to choose which data to backup. You can choose the best place for your data, and their pricing plans are straightforward.

Cyber Security

Why Antivirus Alone Won’t Protect Your PCs In 2020

There was a time when personal computers would ship with only antivirus software.

However, in recent years, more personal computer OEMs have banded up with third-party security solution providers to keep their customers safer. This is a fine time to re-examine the threats faced by the current, average user – and what to do about that.

The PC Security Landscape

Perhaps the biggest issue that we will keep solving for a long time to come is that of password security. The fact that this is a user-generated error during data breaches makes the influence that OEMs can wield to curb such issues even weaker.

That does not mean they will take the matter lying down, though.

A recent password breach report shows that users are still setting weak passwords. Most of these passwords will only take seconds to be hacked by sophisticated software. The worst part is that many users reuse the same passwords for multiple accounts. Thus, a breach to one account is like a breach to many.

To combat that, we have seen the inclusion of password managers like LastPass in some PCs. Besides helping to generate strong passwords that will take several years to hack, these password managers also support using one password for one account.
After all, users do not have to worry about password fatigue anymore.

Following that are the incessant cases of data breaches perpetrated via unencrypted networks. Considering the sheer amount of data that users send over their networks over time, it becomes important to secure these networks.

Many users opt for a VPN app for increased protection. A VPN ships with a ton of servers from all around the world. Internet data is sent through these servers , preventing anyone on the outside of the network from seeing what is going on. Tunneling is so effective, even the user’s ISP will have no idea what they are doing on the network.

That said, the place of antivirus software should not be ruled out either.

Depending on the antivirus or antimalware definitions, they help prevent a wide variety of threats that users might not even know existed at all. They are also important for people who have to connect a lot of external devices to their PC, download files from the internet, etc.

Antivirus software has been developed so well these days that they integrate well with browser apps, emailing programs, and other sensitive points of data entry. Before downloading any file onto your device, they automatically scan and inform you of the danger.

That can help beat a lot of malware attacks and phishing scams too.

Wrap Up

Even with these tools in the mix, a lot of responsibility lies on the user to follow best practices. A password manager will not work if proper password habits are not followed. In the same way, a VPN is useless if it is not employed for the network.

When the user is aware of the dangers and how the tools can help them, though, hackers are given a better run for their money.


Online Backup Storage Info: Why Consider Investing in a Quality Computer Backup Service?

Even if you consider yourself to be the most careful person in the world, there could always be some unforeseen force that causes your computer or phone to be destroyed or lost forever. While it would be nice to have your most important files backed up somewhere on the cloud or on an external hard drive, you can’t save everything – including your OS and all of your settings – on a regular, free online cloud solution. The best option is to upgrade to a premium online backup storage service so that EVERYTHING can be backed up without any limitations.

Cloud storage is used by every company these days. Even your scores on game apps are saved in the cloud, so that if you reinstall the same game on a different device, your progress is still saved. Businesses are all using professional storage services as well.

The problem with the average service that most people use for free or cheap is that only the folders and files you put into the cloud for syncing will be available for recovery. Those files you didn’t put into the cloud will not be recoverable. There is usually a limit on the size of the data as well.

Online Backup Storage Software Operation

The better services for online backup storage typically work in the background and automatically back everything up. The user does not necessarily have to take much action – if any at all – when it comes to setting up specific folders. The service will automatically keep track of all of the changes, updates, and deletions you make. Some will even go so far as to offer you the option to retrieve files that you deleted, for a period of up to 30 days or so.

If you have a Mac, don’t make the mistake of thinking that Apple’s basic backup options are enough. You still might want to invest in a better storage and backup solution with advanced features. Whether you need help backing up just a few PCs / Macs or several servers, it’s important to choose a comprehensive storage plan that includes automatic syncing and no size limits on the data.

Customer support is obviously among the most important considerations with any type of online service. Does the company you’re interested in offer plenty of useful resources, FAQs, and customer / tech support options? Live chat is always a plus.

There is one online backup storage company that offers a lot of benefits to home users, businesses, and enterprises, and that is Backblaze. Reviews for this company are overwhelmingly positive.

Password Manager

Family Password Manager Overview: Understanding the Need for a Premium Password Management Solution & Tips for Choosing

The growing number of devices and computes in every household is adding to the complexity of password security. It is becoming more difficult to manage not only your own passwords, but to help you kids manage theirs as well. Even if you have teenagers and don’t want to be a snooping type of parent, you should still provide them a way to store and manage their own passwords securely and safely. Also, what about the accounts you share with your spouse? All of this can be taken care of if you choose a family password manager.

These are neat, multi-platform programs that store all passwords, usernames, emails, and other account details. They also help generate new, complicated passwords and save them for you so you won’t have to remember them all. It will require a premium account in most instances if you want everyone in the family to be able to create their own digital “wallet” or “vault” in which they can store their own private details.

Here are a few things to look for when choosing a password management solution:

• The option to save and store all login details – either as a family or individually – in a secure place.
• The ability to create unique, strong passwords for each and every account including new ones.
• The option store safely store personal and financial information.
• Synchronization of account details across all devices and platforms.
• A notification if any one of your passwords has been compromised.
• Easy access for each individual member of all his / her accounts on computers as well as mobile devices.
• A guarantee that all passwords and personal information is stored in a cyber vault with an extremely high level of encryption.
• The ability to create a “master password” to protect data even more.

Family Password Manager Safety

How can you trust that all of your family’s accounts really are stored in a safe place? They usually have military-grade encryption and AES-256 protocols and two-factor authentication (such as the “master password” and “master key” as well as fingerprint scanning on compatible devices).

Keep in mind that – with the right family password manager solution – the “master password” won’t have to be the same on every device. This gives your family members more privacy since they can create their own master password to access their own accounts.

Ultimately, you should stick with the biggest names in cyber security when it comes to anything involving online privacy – including passwords and account management. Avast is one of those big names that most people can rely on. Avast Passwords is compatible with all devices and platforms and is a good choice for a family password manager.


Best VPN for Home Network Info: Essential Privacy and Security Features to Look for in Home VPN Services

There are many VPN services out there for all types of web users and business users. If you just want something to protect your own home network, you have plenty of choices. Whatever you do, don’t just assume that a free service is fine for personal use. It’s always a good idea to avoid a free virtual private network “service” since they are less reliable and sometimes come with ads. The best VPN for home network will cost some money, although it doesn’t have to be a lot.

Home users have different reasons for wanting their home internet network to be secured. Why let your ISP snoop and keep logs and sell your info to advertisers? Why take any risks of hackers getting around your router vulnerabilities? What if you want to upload or download torrent files?

It doesn’t matter what you want this kind of service for, the important thing is choosing the right one. You probably have at least a basic understanding of what VPN services are. They allow you to change your IP address to a far more secure server without having to physically leave your home. You can connect to a virtual server on the other side of the country, or on the other side of the world. This kind of service also allows you to bypass geographical restrictions on video and other content.

Best VPN for Home Network With Anti-Malware

Another great thing about VPNs is that some of them use anti-malware software. This is definitely a good selling point. Even though it should not track your data itself as it travels through the tunnel, it should still be able to detect malicious code. This will provide your home network with an added layer of malware protection on top of whatever antivirus program you already have.

Probably the main reason why most people use VPN connections is to download files via torrent programs. This can be useful even if you are downloading legal torrents, because ISPs can be throttling the connection and making the downloads extremely slow. While VPNs aren’t always fast themselves, they can still sometimes be faster than your regular internet connection if you ISP has a bad habit of throttling or putting limits on bandwidth.

It’s ideal to choose a VPN provider that has a 100% no logs policy and has a large user base – especially if you plan to share torrents. This will make it extremely difficult or even impossible for a single user to be identified.

Out of all of the options, your best VPN for home network choice will be something like ProtonVPN. You’ll get all of the security, privacy, and freedom you need.

Password Manager

Password Management Software Guide: What are the Best Features and Services to Look For?

Passwords can be a real pain, but they are something we all must have. So many websites require registration these days, even if it’s just to access some free information. The problem is trying to keep track of all of the passwords and usernames. The easiest way to deal with them all is to use password management software, which usually comes with good security to ensure that nobody will ever be able to hack into any of your accounts.

There are usually different levels of protection, ranging from small individual accounts to large company accounts. Since you will be entrusting your entire digital existence to a password manager, you need to be careful with your choice, just as you would be careful with any kind of security software. One way to ensure that a program is trustworthy, check and see if you are guaranteed zero-knowledge security.

Here are some of the features and services you can get with the right password management software:

• A warning if you are using any “easy-to-crack” passwords
• A secure “Password Generator” that gives you strong, impossible to hack new passwords
• An alert if you have duplicate passwords that should be charged
• Auto-clearing your clipboard after you have used it to increase the safety of your data
• The ability to save additional details, in addition to the passwords, such as usernames, emails, addresses, phone number, and even a few documents and scanned copies of Ids and passports.

Password Management Software With Data Encryption

Data should be encrypted with the use of a symmetric key algorithm based on top-notch, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). After signing up for a password management service, you should receive a key that allows you to get into your password vault. This key is derived from the “Master Password”, created with the use of PBKDF2, or Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2.

The aforementioned Zero-Knowledge Security means that no one – including the application developer – will ever know anything at all about your data, as it belongs to you and can only be viewed and accessed by you, unless you wish to share the details with a relative or business associate.

Can you sync with other devices? Or is the password manager service only for just one computer? The better ones offer subscription packages that allow you to use the program on all of your devices and sync all of your accounts.

What is the best password management software that offers all of the best features, zero knowledge technology, AES protocols, and syncing on multiple devices? Kaspersky Password Manager is an excellent program that offers all of this. Get Kaspersky Premium so that you can have a secure digital vault for all of your bank cards, passport, and other personal data.


Antivirus Protection Overview: How do These Programs Work? What Kinds of Security Features are Ideal?

Are you trying to find the best antivirus protection for Windows or Mac? There are many options out there and they are not all equal. Having an antivirus on a computer is something that has always been considered essential for Windows users, and is now starting to become important for Mac users as Apple products are becoming more popular. No matter what kind of computer you own, and whether it’s a desktop or laptop, you should have a quality security program. There are even antivirus apps for smartphones and tablets these days.

Having protection from viruses minimizes the amount of “damage control” you have to do to clean up a mess caused by malware attack. It can also prevent you from having to pay money for ransomware. Don’t forget about phishing – there are still cyber criminals doing everything they can to scam people and profiting.

Virus scanners are obviously things to look for when choosing the right AV program. Reactive scanning is important because it scans new programs or files before they are opened. There is also the full system scan, when the AV goes through every last file and folder on your device in order to find anything suspicious and potentially harmful.

Of course, scans cannot be truly effective if the program doesn’t even know what it is looking for. This is why any antivirus you consider should come with a database of known viruses and threats, and that database should be updated frequently with the newest threat definitions. Updates should be automatic as well – you should never have to manually update your antivirus protection software (although it’s still good to have the option of scheduling updates).

Antivirus Protection by Behavioral Analysis

Some of the superior programs have “behavioral analysis” technology. This means that it will detect suspicious behavior from files even if the file isn’t found in its database. While this is a good thing for the most part, there is the downside of false positives. You don’t want your antivirus confusing genuine programs as malware and trying to block it from you. So when reading reviews and making comparisons, try to find out if a particular program has issues with false positives.

A few other things to look for with an antivirus suite include ransomware protection, a file shredder, firewall, browser protection, and a password manager. Some premium security suites also include a VPN service and parental controls.

Whatever it is you’re looking for exactly, Avast Antivirus protection is always a great choice. You can download it for free on Windows, although you might want to consider upgrading to the premium version.