Parental Control

Child Safe Internet Software Overview: A Look at the Best Features and Tools for Parents

There is a lot of stuff on the internet that is harmful for children to see. Even worse, there are bad people on the internet who could try targeting your kids. The best way to protect children from all types of cyber threats is to install the best child safe internet software on every computer and device they have access to. Typically, you can buy one subscription and can use the tools on multiple computers and smartphones.

The best parental control programs can help you track your kids and keep an eye on who they are communicating with. You’ll be able to block objectionable and dangerous websites from their view. If you have more than one kid at different age ranges, you can create an individual for each one and receive suggestions from the intuitive software.

The great thing is that you can get all of this technology at an affordable price. The best child safe internet software usually doesn’t cost that much. It’s affordable for the average family, and some programs are even available as a free trial. With some companies, there is a free version and a pro version available. It’s almost always ideal to go with the pro version since it offers many more features and tools to help you protect your children.

Time Supervision in Child Safe Internet Software

Time Supervision is a feature that many parents appreciate. This allows parents to manage how much screen time each kid gets. Establish healthier habits in the family by scheduling specific times of the day and week everyone can use each device. Use extra screen time as a reward for kids doing well in school and completed their chores. On the flip side, you can take time away from them as a punishment.

A Location Supervision feature is the #1 feature most parents look for since it keeps them informed of where their kids are. If they don’t get on the school bus and come directly home after school, or stay out past curfew, you can get an idea of where they actually are with this tool. Make sure you choose a program that runs on whichever device your child has, whether it’s iOS or Android. You can also check and see if they were at a place they weren’t supposed to be by viewing a history of where they’ve been.

With the right child safe internet software, you can also receive insights into the search terms your kids are using and the types of videos they are watching. If there are any red flags, you’ll know when it’s time to have a discussion. These kinds of features are all available with Norton Family Premier, which is an award-winning program. It’s also available with Norton Security Premium, which is something you might want to consider if you need additional security.