Parental Control

Parental Time Control Tips: How to Manage Your Child’s Screentime and Establish Healthy Internet Habits

While electronics can help keep kids quiet, too much screen time is never a good thing. It can potentially be unhealthy – both physically and emotionally. One way to ensure that your kid’s time online isn’t too much is to develop a parental time control strategy. There are apps / programs that can help you do this. Not only do you get control over how much time your child spends in front of a screen, you also get control over which types of sites they visit, which videos they watch, who they talk to on social media, and so forth.

It helps if you understand electronics yourself –especially if you have teenagers. It’s not uncommon for kids to understand how electronics work more than their parents. This is why it’s essential for you to stay on top of the latest tech trends, including the newest social media crazes, latest chat apps, and so forth. Also, compare different parental time control software to see which ones parents are most satisfied over. Be sure and choose a program that no kid, no matter how tech-savvy, will be able to figure out.

Set aside certain times of the day and week to unplug. You can schedule when all devices and computers in the house turn off and turn back on. Arrange some times throughout the day for “quality family time”. This can be during dinner, late night snack time, weekend fun, and so forth. During these periods, set an example for your kids and stay off the internet yourself. Leave all the TVs off as well.

Parental Time Control is Easier With Understanding

It’s extremely helpful if your children understand the dangers associated with too much screen time themselves. Don’t just turn their TVs, computers, and phones off without any explanation. Otherwise, they’ll think you’re just being mean. It’s okay to work out some agreements, such as letting them know that if they perform well in school, do their homework on time, and complete their chores that they will be rewarded with extra screentime.

Sometimes kids really do need access to the internet for schoolwork, do conduct research for papers, study for tests, type up reports, etc. Some parental control software include monitoring tools so that you can keep an eye on what sites your kids have been visiting. If you see that they have been watching entertainment videos on YouTube or casually chatting on Facebook Messenger when they should’ve been doing school related stuff, you can restrict those sites / apps from them and only allow access as a reward.

One parental time control program that is easy for parents to use and manage is Qustodio. Not only can you easily set a time schedule / screen limits on each child’s device, you can also block and manage the apps and websites they visit. One of the best features of Qustodio is the Location Tracking / Panic Button for emergencies.