VPN Provider Reviews: Tips on What to Look for When Researching VPN Services and Security Features

One way to determine the best virtual private network solution for your needs is to read reviews, and look at user ratings. There are so many things to consider when it comes to any service relating to cyber security, and VPNs are no different. You can learn about various features, pros, cons, and other details by reading VPN provider reviews.

Not all reviews are obviously going to be legitimate, so make sure you read the ones from verified buyers. Otherwise, you never know if the one you are reading is from a real user. Anybody can try to say anything about any product or service these days. Reviews from verified buyers are what you need to mostly keep an eye out for.

Of course, it helps to have an idea of what you are looking for in a virtual private network service yourself. What one person might complain about might not be that big of a deal to you. If someone complains that a particular service doesn’t work with Netflix, and you don’t plan on using a VPN to watch Netflix anyway, then that is a complaint that you can overlook.

Consider the features that ARE important to you, and find out what people are saying about those particular feature when reading VPN provider reviews.

The Importance of Encryption in VPN Provider Reviews

Strong encryption is extremely important when it comes to protecting your internet connection. All of your network traffic when connected to a VPN should be encrypted with AES-256, with superior key exchange and message authentication technologies. Strong protocols that are known to be secure, like OpenVPN and IKEv2 / IPSec, should be used. You’ll want to pick a provider that will give you a peace of mind that your VPN tunnel is protected and secure.

Transparency is another important issue. If you and other users have trouble finding details regarding a particular service, such as who is running it, in which country it is based, its log policy, DNS-leak protection, location list of servers, etc., then it’s a good idea to avoid such a provider. Also, do a bit of research to find out which VPN companies have a positive reputation for fighting for online privacy on behalf of its users, and how they contribute to the open source community.

The ideal service will also have positive reviews about its speeds. Speed is an issue with a lot of VPN accounts, and not all of them are capable of providing users with optimal performance.

One particular service for which you’ll likely find a lot of positive VPN provider reviews is ProtonVPN. It utilizes the strongest encryption, yet still manages to provide good speeds. It also offers all of the top security protocols and encryption technologies mentioned above. Try it out for free, and then decide whether you want to upgrade to ProtonVPN Basic, Plus, or Visionary.