Parental Control

Android Parental Control Time Limit Overview: Important Things to Look For When Searching for a Parental Control App

Giving your child his or her own Android device has its pros and cons. On one hand, it will keep them distracted and entertained. It will help you stay in contact with them when they are at school or out with friends. It will also help them with school thanks to educational apps. The downside is that there are a lot of potential dangerous lurking on the internet. Plus, it is very easy for kids to spend WAY TOO much time in front of the screen. This is why many parents are searching for Android parental control time limit apps.

These screen time apps are very helpful since they give you control over how much time your child should spend in front of the screen each day, and when they should be allowed to look at the screen. Give them extra screen time as an award for good behavior at home and/or at school, or take away screen time as punishment.

Since there are so many parental control apps for Android, don’t just assume that any of them will do. Some are a complete waste of time. Older kids, like 11 and up, might be tech-savvy enough to get around the controls you have set. For this reason, read reviews from other parents and check out the ratings. While there are some free apps, some of them have issues such as bugs or might be bogged down with ads.

Android Parental Control Time Limit With Other Software

If you already have an advanced antivirus program or security suite, check and see it comes with any parental control tools that you can use on Android devices. If not, then consider purchasing either a security suite or standalone Android parental control time limit app. Premium monthly plans can be affordable if you choose the right program and take advantage of any coupon codes or online discounts.

Be sure and choose a program that will be easy customizable by you, but still sophisticated enough that your kids won’t be able to figure out a way around it behind your back. Look for additional features as well, and not just screen time management. For instance, some of this software comes with social media monitoring, adult website blocking, and even tracking. If you have more than one child, then you should be given the option to create a separate profile for each child with parameters and restrictions ideal for that child’s age and development.

How do you know which program is right for your family? Whether you’re simply after an Android parental control time limit app or want a full suite of parental control tools, then Qustodio is definitely the ideal program to check out. You get basic protection for free, but it’s worth upgrading to receive all of the advanced features. Check and see if there are Qustodio coupons available to help you save on the upgrade.

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