Parental Control

App to Limit iPad Use – Spend More Time With Your Kids with a Good Parental Control App

Are you getting concerned with your child’s obsessive iPad use? If it seems as if the family can’t even have a real, meaningful conversation anymore, it might be time to limit their use. You can, of course, limit your own use as well if YOU spend too much time on your tablet. The best way to do this is to install an app to limit iPad use.

If you’re a parent, then the best kind of app that offers this type of service is one that comes with family protection and safety features, such as a parental control program. You could simply try to encourage your kids to participate in “real” family activities such as playing board games, sitting at the dining room table during dinner rather than eating up in their rooms, doing some outdoor activities, and so forth. However, unless you physically wrestle their iPad or phone out of their hands, there’s no guarantee that they will be able to put it down.

Ultimately, you’ll need to install a parental control app on their iPad so that you can control their usage. Limit the number of hours per day they can use it. Some apps will even let you specify the times during which you want it to be automatically locked. Most parents choose dinner hours and bedtime to turn off their kids’ tablets.

When you install an app to limit iPad use, the configurations and setting should be easy to understand. There is usually a “Family Portal” that you can access on your own device or PC, from which you can control your children’s activities. During the hours in which the device will be locked up, Google Chrome or Safari will no longer be able to access websites. You can choose to lock only some apps and functions or everything on the entire iPad except for perhaps emergency features.

Other Benefits of Parental Controls

Monitor or even outright block use of certain apps. With the right iPad parental control tools, you can monitor your child’s use of apps such as Facebook Messenger, eBay, Dropbox, Tumblr, Twitter, Twitch, Tinder, iTunes, Google Drive, and a wide variety of games and other social media applications. Is your child spending way too much time on a Pinterest? Or playing way too many games from the App store? Perhaps he or she is watching too much Netflix instead of doing homework or going to bed early. You can easily set time limits on each of these apps for each day of the week.

Which app to limit iPad use should you install? Qustodio is increasingly becoming a popular program. It’s available for other Apple devices and Android devices as well. You can actually install it for FREE right now. It’s worth considering upgrading to access premium features. Three subscription options are available for families of varying sizes.

Whether you only have one child or eight, there is an ideal subscription plan for you. You can get a good deal with Qustodio discounts. Install the program on every mobile device in the family. It’s an excellent choice as an app to limit iPad use.

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