
Best Antivirus Software – Which Internet Security Features Should Home Users and Small Businesses Look For?

Antivirus programs are designed to block viruses and any type of dangerous file, like malware, on a PC or MAC. There are also virus-protection apps to use on tablets and smartphones. So many companies all promise to offer the best products but they can’t all be great. What, exactly, does the “best antivirus software” offer?

What might be the “best” for someone else might not be the best for you. It all depends on your personal needs. If you have an older computer, then you probably won’t be able to run a full suite with comprehensive features and tools since they will take up too many system resources and cause your system to run slowly. If you need protection for a business, then a standard antivirus program probably won’t be enough because they tend to be designed for home users.

One useful feature that many people and businesses need these days is protection from ransomware. Keep file “hostage-takers” off of your computer and smartphone. On average, hackers demand around $600 – $700 from ransomware victims. Imagine getting hacked and finding out that you can’t access your important files, documents, family photos, business information, etc. unless you pay $600+ of “ransom” money. This type of situation can be avoided if you have the best antivirus software.

Layers of Security In the Best Antivirus Software

It’s also a good idea to look for a security suite that is built upon several layers of security, each running nonstop to catch even the newest types of viruses and malware. You should trust that the software you choose automatically updates itself every single day with protection against new threats, and it must do all of this without hogging all of your system resources.

Another thing to look for is a behavior shield that uses advanced AI to monitor all running programs / apps in real-time for malicious behavior. If anything suspicious is detected, the shield should stop that particular app immediately and lock it away in quarantine. However, this kind of feature can be very annoying if it mistakes legitimate programs as threats and interrupts you trying to use them. To ensure that this doesn’t happen, read user reviews on various programs to see which programs are getting complaints about false positives.

How much is it going to cost you to have the best antivirus software? Pricing varies considerably depending on which company you choose, which product, the number of devices for which you want to purchase the license, and whether you want an annual subscription, two-year subscription, etc. One product that you’ll definitely want to check out is Avast Internet Security. Before deciding on which subscription to choose, you can first try Avast Antivirus for free.

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