Parental Control

Best Parental App for iPhone – Important Features and Services Parents Should Consider

There are a lot of developers of child monitoring applications and they all claim that theirs are the absolute best. Since they all can’t be #1, it’s important to consider some of the features and functions of each and every app before making a decision. It also must be noted that the best parental app for iPhone for you might not be the same for other parents. A lot of it depends on your family’s needs.

What level of control do you want over your child’s smartphone? How much monitoring do you want to do? Some parents are extremely protective and others want to give their child as much privacy and freedom as possible. The ideal iPhone app will allow the parent to make as many decisions and configurations as possible, through a simple, straightforward process.

One useful feature is App Management. While you might not care which games your child plays on their mobile device, you might be concerned if you find that they are installing dating apps or apps that will allow them to chat with strangers. Whether you want to monitor their usage of such apps or outright block them, the parental control service should allow you to do so.

More Useful Ideas for the Best Parental App for iPhone

How easy is the child profile creation process with a particular program? The best parental app for iPhone should offer a straightforward process in creating a profile for each of your children. You should be able to simply enter the name, gender, and age of a child in the corresponding fields, and then automatically receive a list of settings that are considered appropriate for that particular child, based upon child development standards. If you don’t necessarily agree with some of the recommended settings, you should be able to change them. After all, you know your own kid better than any app does.

Another useful option is to limit the amount of time your children spend on their iPhones. If it’s difficult to have an actual family conversation, or you simply cannot get them to do their homework, it’s time to turn off their phones through a parental app. Just set the iPhone to go off during the times and hours you specify.

Other things the best parental app for iPhone will allow you to do is:

• Keep an eye on your child’s current position using the GPS tracking system, thanks to a “Location feature”.
• View Location tracking history.
• Remotely enable the Wi-Fi or GPS on the device.
• Monitor their social media activities.
• Receive alerts whenever they get a text or send out a text with someone with whom you are not familiar.

What is the best parental app for iPhone? Bitdefender is an excellent choice as it offers all of these features and is easy to setup and use.

Get Bitdefender Parental Control discounts that will help you save on the Premium version. It’s still by far the best parental app for iPhone – even if you stick with the free, basic version.

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