
Best Virus Protection for PC: Why a Free Program Won’t Offer the Best Security for Windows or Mac Computers

After the OS, the security program on a PC is perhaps the next most important thing. If you don’t have the right security system in place, you will not only lose your computer and files, but these days, you stand a chance of losing money as ransomware becomes more common. Sure, Windows comes with a few security tools of its own, like Defender, but for many users, that’s not enough. Don’t take any chances. Invest in the best virus protection for PC.

There are so many ways people can wind up with a virus these days. You could accidentally visit a website that displays malicious ads (whether intentional or unintentional on their part), or click on a phishing email. It’s also not uncommon for people to install a program that gives hackers entry into the system. There are always vulnerabilities in various programs that require patches as well. While Macs are generally considered safer than Windows PCs, there are emerging threats that can potentially harm Mac users as well, so don’t think that you are virus-proof just because you might be using a Mac.

If you have Windows, you don’t have to settle with whatever third party antivirus program came pre-installed with your machine, either. A lot of computers these days come with 90-day free trials of a particular program. You don’t have to stick with it if you don’t like it. If you don’t think it’s the best virus protection for PC, just uninstall it and try another program.

Even the Best Virus Protection is Not Fool-Proof

Keep in mind that PC security software is not necessarily fool-proof. There isn’t a lot a security program can do to stop zero-day exploits, for example. But a good security suite can still far better than a cheap or free one. It will be able to detect when an undisclosed vulnerability is used for the installation of ransomware on your computer. It will warn you of scams and malicious files.

Some of the best virus protection for PC will also include additional security and privacy features that you might find useful, such as parental controls, VPN connections, password managers, webcam privacy, and more. If you have more than just your computer you want to protect, some subscriptions include protection for the PC AND a few other devices, all included in the same price tier.

What is the best virus protection for PC? Norton Security Premium is one worthy of consideration. You can find Norton deals for a one-year subscription with auto-renewal for PC / Mac / Mobile download.

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