
Cloud Storage and Backup Guide: Look for a Provider That Offers Transparency and Easy-to-Use Tools

Whether it’s your business computer or PC, backups are extremely important. If you don’t fully take advantage of cloud storage and backup services, you can be at risk for hard drive failure, ransomware, data loss, power surges, or any other type of threat that can destroy your hardware or remove your access to your own private data. The “free” cloud storage services usually only offer limited space, and make users manually upload their files. This is why it’s better to just invest in a quality service, for the convenience of automatic backups and the peace of mind that ALL of your data and not just some of it is being backed up and stored in a secure facility.

One of the most important things to look for is the ability to access the files you need when you need them. You should be provided with a variety of ways to obtain your information from cloud storage. In addition to web downloads and mobile access, it might be a good idea to look into a company that will allow you to request a USB flash drive or hard drive mailed to you overnight.

Transparency is obviously important when it comes to a cloud storage and backup company. Check and see if it publishes statistics and insight on its website based on the hard drives in its data centers, details about its security processes, and so forth. Now, you don’t want a company to tell you exactly where all of its data centers are located, but you should have an idea of where, geographically, your stuff will be stored. Ideally, the facilities should be in places outside of tornado / earthquake / hurricane zones.

Cloud Storage and Backup for Everyone

If you consider yourself to be un-knowledgeable about a lot of “tech stuff”, then consider the interface of storage and backup programs. Everything should be presented in a manner that is clear and easy to understand for all users, including those who really don’t know a lot about cloud storage.

How much does cloud storage and backup cost? Well it’s going to depend on numerous factors since each service partition their fees and features differently. Usually, it will depend on how much storage you’ll need, or whether or not you’ll need additional features. You might just have to pay a base monthly fee, and then pay any additional money for a hard drive or flash drive to be sent to you, or a variety of other services.

Whether you need personal or business cloud storage and backup, Backblaze is the company to look into first. It has several data centers with the highest amounts of security possible. Many clients praise the service in Backblaze reviews.

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