
Computer Antivirus Guide: A Look at Viruses and Computer Security for Beginners

As good as Windows Defender is, it’s not for everybody. Some people prefer a computer antivirus that offers a full suite of tools. All-inclusive protection is ideal, since there are so many different types of threats. Cyber criminals are using more and more advanced and sneaky methods of getting a hold of your data. Computer security is about more than virus protection. It’s good to have protection against phishing, ransomware, a firewall, webcam protection, and even Wi-Fi internet security services like a VPN.

Malicious software (malware) comes in a variety of forms and makes PCs vulnerable to hacks and security breaches. You might even be surprised at some of the ways your computer can become infected. There are social media scams, online game phishing, browser extension malware / adware, and so forth. Sometimes there are vulnerabilities in older software that you haven’t yet updated.

The ideal computer antivirus will do behavior analysis on all of your apps. If any of them start acting unusual, it could be a sign of an infection. “Worms” are malicious and can take advantage of vulnerabilities and security holes in your software and operating system. Choose a security program that will protect you from such programs. In some instances, worms can even multiply and spread.

Don’t just pick any ole’ computer antivirus, as some of the weak, cheap ones might not be strong enough to protect its own processes from unwanted termination by more powerful viruses. If an antivirus has vulnerabilities, strong malware will be able to kill the antivirus program and take control of your system. This is why it’s so important to opt for a reliable security solution that has a lot of positive reviews and good test results.

A Computer Antivirus Should Be Kept Up-to-Date

It is essential that you receive up-to-date protection. Any computer antivirus that uses old and outdated definitions is weak. It should maintain an up-to-date database of all of the existing and emerging malware threats. Threats are always evolving. They never truly stop. New ones are always coming out. It makes sense to install an antivirus program that is continuously updating on its own without you having to manually tell it to.

Watch out for the impact on performance. Security products require quite a bit of system resources to do their job. There could potentially be some problems if you have an older PC. Carefully look over the system requirements and try out a free trial of a program to determine if it will run smoothly or not.

When it comes down to it, Norton is probably the biggest name in the cyber security industry. At the very least, consider Norton Security Standard as your computer antivirus. It includes a 100% guarantee from the moment you subscribe.

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