Parental Control

Family Internet Filter: All of the Important Features You Should be Looking for to Keep Your Kids Safe

Accessing the internet is now an essential part of everyone’s daily life, including kids. Children are growing up in a digital environment and use a range of interconnected devices for all sorts of activities, including schoolwork, communication with friends and family, entertainment, and so forth. Unfortunately, there are so many things on the internet that parents would prefer that their kids never see. This is why family internet filter software is something that most parents are now using.

The age of the child is something to consider when looking for parental controls. The ideal program should provide plenty of flexibility, yet still be easy to use. Creating a profile for each child should be a simple process. Let the program provide you with suggestions and recommendations on what kind of content to block for each child. You DON’T want the program to be TOO simple, however, or your older kids might figure out a way to get around the blocks and restrictions.

Filtering out certain content that you don’t want your child to be exposed to is only one of the useful features of parental control software. It can also be dangerous to a child’s development if they spend way too much time in front of screens and not enough time actually getting out and actually interact and play with other kids outdoors. While you can restrict them from getting on the home computer, what about their mobile phones or tablets? The ideal family internet filter suite will allow you to set up a time limit on ALL devices. Simply set their devices to automatically turn off at a scheduled time.

Family Internet Filter for Social Media

Concerned about social media? More than half of 11+ year olds are on Facebook, and not all of them have private profiles. Who knows what kinds of people can view their profiles and try to send them friend requests? If your kids are on social media, then go for a parental control suite that allows you to keep an eye on their activities on those platforms.

It’s every parent’s worst nightmare that their child goes missing. You can have a better peace of mind if you have a location tracking feature and “Panic button” for use in emergency situations. It’s also helpful to have the ability to track calls and SMS. Even if you want to give your child some privacy and don’t want to read their messages, you should at least have some idea of who they are exchanging text messages with and who is on their contacts list.

So, is there a family internet filter program that really does offer all of the features mentioned here? You’ll find everything you need with Qustodio. Start a free account to try the premium features and then upgrade if you are satisfied with everything Qustodio offers.

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