
Good Antivirus for Windows 7: How to Choose Internet Protection Software for a Windows 7 PC

There are still a lot of people who use Windows 7, either because they are unable to upgrade to 10 or because they prefer 7. Either way, it’s good to know that there are still some antivirus programs that work with 7. You don’t even have to spend a lot of money, since some of the top names in the computer security industry offer a good antivirus for Windows 7 at a very affordable price.

There are free versions of security programs, but they are very limited and usually come with ads. It’s better to take advantage of a free trial of a paid program and then decide whether or not it is worth paying for when the free trial period is up. If you want to try another one, make sure you uninstall the first program and get rid of all traces of it on your PC.

Whichever program you choose, make sure it has features like a software updater. Outdated software is a huge potential risk on computers as it can leave the system vulnerable. Hackers always figure out a way to get through unpatched vulnerabilities. A good antivirus for Windows 7 will also update itself regularly and automatically so that users won’t have to.

Good Antivirus for Windows 7 for Just One PC

If you only need protection for one Windows 7 PC then you can save money, since most security programs offer a cheaper subscription price for those who don’t require protection on multiple devices. If you do need that, however, you still might be able to find a good deal with coupons and promo codes.

Another thing for which you might want protection is spoofed websites and phishing scams. They are become increasingly sophisticated. Even those who know how to identify legitimate sites from fake ones are having to be extra careful. Look for an antivirus program that will automatically redirect you to secure sites, and block spoofed sites from ever being loaded on your computer. Just to ensure that it doesn’t mistakenly block a site that you know is legit, read reviews to see if there are a lot of complaints about false positives. If so, consider using another antivirus program.

You’ll obviously want protection in real time from all types of threats, including spyware, viruses, ransomware, and other threats, as well as prevention tools.

If you really want a good antivirus for Windows 7, then start with Avast Antivirus Pro or Avast Premium Security. These products are very affordable and easy to use.

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