Parental Control

Limit Kids Internet Time: Tips for Choosing the Right Parental Control Suite & the Benefits It Offers

There are many reasons to limit kids’ internet time. It helps free up time so to allow them to be more productive, and teaches them good habits. Even if it’s during summer months when school is out, you can encourage them to spend more time outdoors socializing with other children and exercising. In winter months, limiting their internet time means that you can get them to read actual, physical books or do homework.

Regardless of why you want to reduce your child’s screen time, you should follow your own rule and don’t waste time on your own phone or PC. If you do have to get on the internet in front of your child, let them know that it’s for an important reason, such as doing your own work or paying bills. If everyone in the family spends less time staring at a computer or phone screen, you can spend more time socializing, whether it’s at dinner, during a family outing, and so forth.

Since you can’t be with your kids 24/7, you can limit their screen time with the use of parental control apps. Typically, all it takes is a single subscription to be able to set the hours during the day that you will allow your child to be on the internet. From your own PC or phone, you can schedule the “turn off” time on their PC and/or phone. The better programs usually allow installation and use on multiple devices.

Limit Kids’ Internet Time for Certain Websites

What about educational content and apps? A good parental control service will allow you to limit kids internet time on certain websites and apps, yet allow them to access certain apps that will be beneficial for them. If you have children of different ages, there should be an option to create an individual profile for each kid and setting different time limits and restrictions to inappropriate content for a child of that particular age.

Another way to take advantage of good parental control programs is to use them as a way to reward children for good behavior. For instance, allow them to spend an extra hour playing a game or talking with friends on social media as a reward for doing well in school or completing chores.

These kinds of parental control apps do far more than allow you to manage kids’ internet screen time. You can keep an eye on what kinds of videos they are watching and websites they are visiting. Some apps even allow parents to have control over who their kids talk to and text on their phones. There might also be a tracking type of service.

What is the best program or app to limit kids’ internet time? Considering using Qustodio – it’s easy to sign up and install. You can begin setting time limits and managing all of the family’s devices straight from the web-based portal. Get started with a 3 FREE day trial of Qustodio’s Premium subscription.

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