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Norton Security Suite Parental Controls Review: What Are the Helpful Features and Benefits of Norton Family Premier?

Make the internet safer for your children to explore by installing a highly reliable suite of parental controls on your devices as well as theirs. You can keep track of everything they do via an online web portal, which can be accessed through your device or PC. Stay informed of what they are up to -and who they are talking to, and block inappropriate content from them by using Norton Security Suite Parental Controls.

Also known as Norton Family Premier, this set of tools offers an effective solution to guarding your kids online. It’s okay to allow your kids to explore the World Wide Web, but they should be kept safe when doing so. Prevent them from coming across negative things or sites they are too young to view by blocking that content. If you’re unsure, simply create a profile for each child, enter the details such as that child’s age and developmental level, and Norton will offer suggestions.

It’s important to help kids develop a balance. Screen time management is something that they absolutely need to learn. Kids spend way too much time on their smartphone these days that it sometimes hinders their development and interferes with other aspects of their lives, such as homework, sleep, social interaction, and so forth. With this Norton suite, you can schedule what times of the day they can use their smartphones and PC. Set time limits so that they don’t stay online for too long.

More Useful Features of Norton Security Suite Parental Controls

Another useful feature is search monitoring. This helps you keep track of your children’s search queries on all devices on all search engines. Learn about their surfing habits so if they are looking at something that concerns you, you can sit down and have a family talk. When they are supposed to be doing homework, you can use this feature to make sure they are not looking at something else and wasting time.

Social media is a huge part of everyone’s lives these days – especially for teenagers. See how frequently your teens log on to their social media accounts. There is also a feature with Norton Security Suite parental controls that allow you to glance what they have been doing on their connected devices / computers over the past 30 days so that you can spot trends and help curb emerging bad habits if there are any.

A few other features include YouTube Video Supervision, Text Message Supervision, Location Supervision, and an easy-to-use web portal. No matter how old your children are, Norton Security Suite parental controls are worth investing in.

Now that you know what all it comes with, you can start looking for discounts on Norton Security Suite parental controls as well as related products. Norton coupons are easy to find and use when shopping online for security products.

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