Parental Control

Parental Control for Mobile Devices Overview: What Kinds of Monitoring, Filtering, and Control Features Should You Look For?

The kids of this generation have never known a time when there wasn’t an internet or mobile phones. They are essential in today’s society. They offer a way for parents to stay in contact with their children at all times, just in case there are emergencies. Unfortunately, there is a downside to letting kids have their own smartphones and tablets – there is a lot of stuff on the internet that could be potentially dangerous. They also provide opportunities for strangers and predators. The only way to ensure that your kids are as protected as they can possibly be is to invest in the best parental control for mobile devices.

Features and tools offered by these apps fall under three categories: monitoring, content filtering and user control. Monitoring includes tools that allows you to keep an eye on their SMS, calls, web browsers, social media activities, YouTube viewing, web searches, etc. Content filtering lets parents select what kinds of content, images, and material their child should be allowed or not allowed to see. You can decide what content you want blocked from their view. Lastly, usage control tools are what give parents direct input through the parental control for mobile devices apps. You can control what time each night you want your child’s mobile devices to be shut down.

How Does Parental Control for Mobile Devices Work?

How do these services work? Parents typically purchase the software and then install them on each child’s mobile device and/or computer, and then set all of the controls through a web-based portal. Create a profile for each child that allows you to filter out content inappropriate for that child’s age. For instance, you might want to give your high school kids more freedom than your grade school kids.

The good news is that many of these services are available to try for free. You can check out a free trial before deciding if a particular parental control suite is right for your family. Just make sure you are not doubling up on any services you might already have. If your family already has a full version of a security suite or antivirus program, there might be some parental controls already included, so check into that first before installing anything else. Even if you only use that security suite on a computer, there might be a subscription upgrade option that will allow you to run the services on mobile devices as well.

Whatever kind of features you are looking for in parental control for mobile devices, there should be at least one company that provides everything you need. One place to begin is with Norton Family Premier. Norton of course is one of the most well-known names in the security industry, and its family tools are among the best.

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