Parental Control

Parental Control Web Filter Overview: Some Important Tools and Feature to Help Keep Your Family Safe

To keep your children and family safe, it’s always good to have a parental control / family protection solution that allows you to keep track of each child’s whereabouts, keep an eye on who they’re “friends” with on social media, and filter out content that is inappropriate for that child’s age and maturity level. One of the best tools you can have is a parental control web filter.

What kinds of content do you want to protect your kids from viewing? The web is filled with so much horrible stuff these days, including crime, violence, hatred and racism, and so forth. Most of this stuff is too much for adults, let alone children. While you don’t want to be a “helicopter” parent – especially towards older kids and teenagers, you still want to make sure they don’t see too much negative stuff.

Some features even allow parents to easily toggle between various levels of supervision, either monitoring or outright blocking access to computers and devices outside of permitted hours. With the right parental control “screen time management” software, you can just turn off your child’s access to the internet at certain hours, such as bedtime and family dinner time. However, it’s always a good idea to practice what you preach, so you should try to stay off your own phone and computer during those times.

Parental Control Web Filter for App Supervision

Some parental control and management tools include mobile app supervision so that you can see which apps your children have downloaded on their iOS or Android devices and which ones they use. Make sure they aren’t using inappropriate apps, or spending too much time with them when they should be doing other things. With an “Access Request” type of feature, kids are allowed to open the lines of communication to send their parents a note if they disagree with a particular blocked app or site.

Video supervision is a parental control web filter that keeps parents updated with a list of videos their kids are watching on their iOS device or PC. If you see anything that might concern you, you can sit down and have a talk with them.

Most of the time, kids get into trouble online without even meaning to. They can do things that can cause harm by accident, such as click on links that download malware on the PC or visit sites with illegal content such as pirated music. Worst of all, they unintentionally accept “friend” requests from individuals who want to harm them.

The best way to protect your kids as well as the entire family is to select quality, highly-rated parental control web filter software such as Norton Family Premier.

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