Parental Control

Parental Filter for Android Guide: Why Families Need More Than Basic Parental Controls

Are you looking for a reliable parental filter for Android? The built-in controls aren’t enough for many parents. The right parental controls give parents a better grasp on how their kids are using the web on their phones and tablets. You can monitor their activity and block them from accessing specific apps. The best program will allow you to restrict the types of apps, programs, and apps that each kid can use based on their preferences and age group. Create a profile for each child and you’ll be given recommendations of what kinds of content you might want to block and what will probably be safe for them to access.

Simply setting up the parental controls in the Google Play store isn’t sufficient, as it only covers what they can download through that store and doesn’t control anything else they can do with an Android device, such as posting on social media.

For older kids, it’s a bit more difficult to use parental controls since they are going to be using more than an Android device. Teenagers have access to a variety of internet devices and computers. Parents need a subscription to a suite that offers filtering and monitoring tools for every type of operating system, computer, and device. It’s a lot easier to handle everything when you go through a single portal or interface.

Other Features Available on a Parental Filter for Android

There are some essential features to look for when it comes to a parental filter for Android and other devices, such as the ability to block SMS. You can get an overview of who your child is texting and receiving texts from the most. If there is any kid you don’t want them to be friends with, or a suspicious adult, you will be able to see it and block that person from sending messages to your child. Some parental control suites will also let you keep an eye on their Facebook messages and friends list.

One of the most important function for any parent for any child is location tracking. Track the location of the Android and child at all times on a map. Some programs even have an “SOS Panic Button” that sends you location-based notifications whenever your child steps out of a designated “safe area” and/or is in trouble.

What is the right plan for you? Since a typical family owns more than a few devices these days, you’ll need more than just a standard parental filter for Android. Use a program like Qustodio Premium as it provides all of the tools and functions mentioned above and can cover up to 10 devices.

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