Parental Control

Parental Software for Windows: Advice on Selecting the Best Parental Control Suite for Your Home Computers

While Windows 10 does offer a lot of parental control filters and tools, some older kids might figure out a way to get around them. Kids are very smart when it comes to technology. The only way to ensure that inappropriate content is truly blocked and that your children won’t be able to view anything they shouldn’t be seeing, is to buy some really good parental software for Windows.

What should you look for in parental control programs? One highly essential feature is the ability to filter out keywords. You can enable or disable specific keywords and websites associated with those keywords. However, the software should be intelligent enough to understand the difference between those specific keywords and certain phrases or words that contain some of the same letters. For instance, the classic novel “Middlesex” could be misunderstood as inappropriate by some software packages.

lt’s also important to pay attention to age-specific filtering and settings. What might be inappropriate for a 7 year old isn’t going to be inappropriate for a 17 year old. The younger the child, the less access to the internet they should receive, and the more filters you’ll have to put up. What if you have more than one child with some years and maturity levels apart? There is some great parental software for Windows that allows parents to create separate profiles for each child. If you have older kids with their own personal laptops or tablets, install a copy of the program on their laptop and everything should sync.

Scheduling Options With Parental Software for Windows

Schedule is an important feature for parents who are concerned about how much time their kids are spending on the computer. If it’s for homework and research, that’s okay. But what if they waste all their time playing games or watching entertainment videos on YouTube? Or chat on social media too much? You can control that by setting up a schedule for them. You can allow them to have free internet time as a reward for good behavior.

If you’ve never used parental software for Windows before, then look for a program that has an intuitive user interface. It shouldn’t be TOO easy to figure out, since you don’t want your kids to try and get around it, but you don’t want it to be too difficult for the average parent to use, either.

There are other security tools you might want to use to protect your family computers as well, such as a router / Wi-Fi inspector, anti-fraud protection, anti-virus and anti-malware, and so forth. The best parental software for Windows can be found with Bitdefender Family Pack, which can be used on up to 15 family devices, including Windows, Macs, iOs devices, Android devices, and so forth.

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