Internet Security and Ransomware

Top PC Protection Guide: Why Everybody Needs to Invest in Quality Computer Protection

Today’s best computer protection software is also designed to work on mobile devices. There are usually various pricing options available with each cyber security company for use on a different number of devices, such as 1, 3, 5, or 10. If you are just looking for top PC protection for a single computer, you likely won’t have to pay much, although it’s still good to have protection on your mobile phone or tablet just in case you need it.

Hackers and identity thieves are getting more and more out of control. They are constantly developing new methods to harm people, usually in a way that will lead to them profiting, whether it’s through ransomware, credit card stealing, cyber phishing, and so forth. This means that you can’t just rely on free antivirus programs anymore. It’s recommended that you invest in top PC protection. The price of this investment will be nothing compared to how much you could potentially lose in the event that your identity is stolen or your bank account is hacked.

Don’t think that just because you are an individual, personal computer user that you won’t need extra protection. Or, if you do run a small business, don’t make the mistake of thinking that hackers only go after the big corporations. They can potentially go after anybody and everybody. In fact, they’ll go after whoever will be an easy target. The average hacker won’t spend the time or energy to go after the larger companies since the larger companies will likely have the best security.

How to Get Your Top PC Protection

While free PC protection sounds nice, it’s not enough. Even the built-in tools that come with Windows 10 aren’t enough security for the vast majority of users. It’s better to go with a paid program to get the advanced malware protection, ransomware protection, daily automatic updates, full system scans, and so forth. Some of the top PC protection suites even come with nice extras such as a password manager, parental controls, and VPN service.

If you don’t need these kinds of extra features, then at the very least invest in a Pro Antivirus program. Opt for one that has an extremely high detection rate (as close to 100% as possible). You can find this information out by reading test results from AV-Comparatives, AV-Tests, NSS Labs (US), Virus Bulletin (UK), etc.

Windows Defender is good, but it’s not as comprehensive as some of the paid programs such as Norton Security Deluxe. This is probably the most recognizable name in the computer security industry. If you want top PC protection, Norton Security Standard or Deluxe are the products to consider.

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