Top Rated VPN for iPhone: Advantages of Using a VPN Service and Tips on Choosing the Right One

It’s getting more and more difficult to browse the internet 100% anonymously these days. The only way to truly ensure completely security and anonymity, whether you’re watching videos on YouTube, checking out social media, or conducting business on your phone, is to invest in a virtual private network service. Don’t let yourself feel bombarded with all of the options. There are some identifying factors that the top rated VPN for iPhone has, and all you have to do is pick a service that offers those factors.

Don’t make the mistake in thinking that the iOS is a secure platform. It might be to an extent, at least compared to Windows, but it’s still vulnerable to threats such as malware and phishing, and is hardly anonymous. Everything can be tracked – from your physical location to browser cookies. Using a VPN on an iOS device such as iPhone can offer that privacy and prevent you from hacking attempts through vulnerable wireless networks.

What Are The Features to Look For In The Top Rated VPN For iPhone

The first thing you need to do is to avoid any “free” services. Maintaining the infrastructure and data associated with a virtual private network is something that costs money, so any company promising to keep the service free will likely to make up for it in some way, whether it’s by sneaking and selling your data or spamming you with ads. Now, there really are legitimate “Free Trials” offered by some companies, which can last anywhere from 3 – 7 days, with the option to pay and subscribe after the trial period is over.

The best VPN will offer advanced security features, like a Kill Switch, IKEv2 / IPsec protocols, and specialty servers such as Onion Over VPN,, P2P, or Double VPN, depending on your needs. Read reviews about various providers to see if there are any complaints of DNS requests or IP leaks. These are MAJOR “No’s” when it comes to virtual private networks. Your data should never, ever be leaked, and your activities should never be logged ad sold to third parties. These are reasons why people want to use VPNs in the first place.

Another factor to look for in the top rated VPN for iPhone is the number of servers and location. A high number of servers alone isn’t enough. They should be spread out all around the world so that you have at least a couple of options in every city or region.

Final Remarks

Lastly, look for an app that runs smoothly and has a user-friendly interface that displays nicely on your screen. Even if you have an older model iPhone, the app should still run okay.

NordVPN is usually considered to be the top rated VPN for iPhone, and on any device in general. You get a free trial, advanced security protocols, thousands of servers, and a money back guarantee.

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