Internet Security and Ransomware

Best Ransomware Protection: An Overview of What Ransomware is and How You Can Choose the Best Protection

Ransomware is one of the biggest threats to computer users around the world. Every year, billions of dollars are lost by businesses, organizations, and ordinary citizens trying to fix problems caused by these sorts of attacks. There are a lot of antivirus and security programs claiming to offer the best ransomware protection, but not all of them can be the “best”.

This term is used to describe a malware attack that involves hackers trying to extort money after taking important data, files, and/or photos ransom – essentially blocking the user’s access to them, and not allowing them to retrieve the essential data / photos until they pay a certain amount of money. Their methods and technology can be so advanced that even intelligence organizations like the FBI fully help the victims.

Fortunately, there are some protection options by some of the leading computer / cyber security companies. There are even some “remediation solutions” included in internet security suites. Before choosing one, check with independent lab tests to see which ones have AV-Test Institute points of at least 17 out of 18, SE Labs certification of at least the AA level, and AV-Comparatives rating on four tests of Advanced+.

The best ransomware protection software will also have positive ratings and reviews from other users. If you don’t have the best hardware, then check to see if there are any complaints about the slow speed of a particular program you are considering. You’ll also want to (obviously) read what others are saying about the ransomware feature.

Important Features in the Best Ransomware Protection

This is one feature that is usually protected by most levels of service, including the free versions of security or antivirus software. Business will usually require more sophisticated protection. It might be worthwhile to learn how to use decryption tools, which are offered by leading computer protection companies. These kinds of tools will help users decode their file if they are ever hit by some type of ransomware.

Ease-of-use is another important thing to look for. If there is an intuitive, user-friendly interface, users will be less likely to be confused or overwhelmed by security options. When you want to try out a free version of a program, be careful during the installation and set-up process – there might be some add-ons included that you might not want. If you’re careful, you can deselect them.

When it comes down to it, the one company that meets all of the criteria for the best ransomware protection is Avast. If you come across any, try and use Avast Internet Security discounts as it is the best product for most users.

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