
Antivirus for Android Phone: Tips on Finding and Using the Best Security Tools for Android Devices

People often get anti-viruses for their computers but forget about their Android phones and tablets. They are vulnerable to many types of malicious files and scams as well these days. Hackers and cyber criminals are going to do everything they can to get into any device that has the internet. The important thing to do is to decide whether you want a standalone antivirus for Android phone or a security suite that offers a protection plan for all of your devices and computers.

A free antivirus app might be enough, just as long you are always super careful and play it safe with everything you do. You could just have a free app just for precaution. However, if you think you need other security tools, like a password manager, VPN, malware detector, etc., then it’d probably be best to invest in a security suite.

Usability is also important, as it is with any kind of app or program. There is more room for “tinkering” when it comes to desktop anti-viruses. For mobile devices, that isn’t really necessary, so the app you choose should be as simple as possible. If you have an older version of a smartphone, make sure the antivirus for Android phone is compatible with it and won’t bog the device down, whether you’re doing an active scan with it or just allowing it to run in the background.

Ratings of Antivirus for Android Phone

Another thing to look at is the number of reviews and the overall rating. A high number of reviews and an overall 4+ / 5 rating indicates that the developer must be doing something right. Take the time to read some reviews to see if people are praising things like speed, intuitiveness of the interface, the app’s ability to detect and remove malware and adware, and so forth.

Will the anti-virus program you are considering offer Android-specific features, such as filtering for texts and calls? Will you be warned about messages that could potentially be malicious? There should also be anti-phishing tools. After all, most people make purchases here and there via their smartphone, so it makes sense to protect your financial information as secure as possible and to make sure that you don’t fall for any phishing scams.

Lastly, anti-theft protection is essential as well. You should opt for an Android security app that allows you to wipe personal information from the device if it is ever stolen or lost.

The first antivirus or Android phone you might want to try is Kaspersky Mobile Antivirus (AppLock & Web Security). It’s free to download and use, and comes with tons of positive reviews.

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