Password Manager

Password Management Software Guide: What are the Best Features and Services to Look For?

Passwords can be a real pain, but they are something we all must have. So many websites require registration these days, even if it’s just to access some free information. The problem is trying to keep track of all of the passwords and usernames. The easiest way to deal with them all is to use password management software, which usually comes with good security to ensure that nobody will ever be able to hack into any of your accounts.

There are usually different levels of protection, ranging from small individual accounts to large company accounts. Since you will be entrusting your entire digital existence to a password manager, you need to be careful with your choice, just as you would be careful with any kind of security software. One way to ensure that a program is trustworthy, check and see if you are guaranteed zero-knowledge security.

Here are some of the features and services you can get with the right password management software:

• A warning if you are using any “easy-to-crack” passwords
• A secure “Password Generator” that gives you strong, impossible to hack new passwords
• An alert if you have duplicate passwords that should be charged
• Auto-clearing your clipboard after you have used it to increase the safety of your data
• The ability to save additional details, in addition to the passwords, such as usernames, emails, addresses, phone number, and even a few documents and scanned copies of Ids and passports.

Password Management Software With Data Encryption

Data should be encrypted with the use of a symmetric key algorithm based on top-notch, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). After signing up for a password management service, you should receive a key that allows you to get into your password vault. This key is derived from the “Master Password”, created with the use of PBKDF2, or Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2.

The aforementioned Zero-Knowledge Security means that no one – including the application developer – will ever know anything at all about your data, as it belongs to you and can only be viewed and accessed by you, unless you wish to share the details with a relative or business associate.

Can you sync with other devices? Or is the password manager service only for just one computer? The better ones offer subscription packages that allow you to use the program on all of your devices and sync all of your accounts.

What is the best password management software that offers all of the best features, zero knowledge technology, AES protocols, and syncing on multiple devices? Kaspersky Password Manager is an excellent program that offers all of this. Get Kaspersky Premium so that you can have a secure digital vault for all of your bank cards, passport, and other personal data.

Internet Security and Ransomware

Best Protection Against Ransomware Overview: Choosing the Best Program and Protecting Yourself from Being a Victim of Cyber Crime

Becoming a victim of ransomware is a nightmare for everyone, from individual computer users to large companies that stand lose a fortune if all of their essential, big data is held for ransom by hackers and identity thieves. The cybercriminal promises only to allow the victim access and turn everything back over to the victim after the latter pays the ransom money exactly how the criminal says to pay it. The obvious question most people ask is “what is the best protection against ransomware”?

To start, nothing beats prevention and using caution with every single thing you do on the internet. If you have employees, make sure you have the best practices in place and that they can identity phishing scams, Trojans, and so forth. As great as computer security programs and antiviruses can be, some effort needs to be put in from the humans as well.

If you’re a personal user who just uses your home computer or tablet, then you won’t have to spend as much money on security. Just have a basic understanding of how ransomware occurs in the first place. It could start out with a malicious attachment in a spam email, a hole in an older version of software that you should’ve updated already, an infected file from an external drive, exploit kits, somebody you know figuring out your password, and so forth. Essentially, it can infect your device the same way any kind of malware can infect your device.

Best Protection Against Ransomware Besides Common Sense

The best protection against ransomware, in addition to yourself and your own common sense, is an antivirus program that will protect you against all known attacks as well as those that are just popping up. It will warn you about possibly malicious attachments in spam letters and anything else you might download from the internet, remind you to keep all of your software up-to-date so that no malware can get in through old vulnerabilities, and utilize behavioral detection as the last, yet very powerful line of defense. Make sure you choose a software that has an extremely high detection rate.

However, TRUE cyber security protects you from ALL types of malware, hacking attempts, identity threats, and being spied upon. There are so many possible things that can go wrong when using the internet on a daily basis. It’s important to keep all aspects of security in mind when looking for an internet protection program.

Kaspersky is one of the biggest names in cyber security, and definitely worth considering as the best protection against ransomware. For home users, there is Kaspersky Antivirus and Internet Security. For businesses, there is Kaspersky Total Security and advanced Cyber Security Solutions.


Best Antivirus for Laptop Guide: Top 5 Contenders for 2019 – 2020

A lot of people these days have the attitude of “I don’t need an antivirus program”, or “a free malware removal tool is enough for my computer”. Unfortunately, free antivirus / anti-malware tools aren’t enough these days. Unless you hardly do anything at all on your laptop, then you’re susceptible for hacking attempts and infected files. Don’t let yourself become a victim – start looking for the best antivirus for laptop users.

You might not even become the victim of a regular antivirus infection. Computer viruses have evolved to something that involves money. Hackers want to infect your laptop so they can try to steal your identity, steal your money from your bank or PayPal account, or make your important documents impossible to access unless you pay ransomware. To prevent any of this from ever occurring, you’re going to need a quality security suite.

What is the best antivirus for laptop? Here are the top options:

Bitdefender Antivirus Plus

With this software, users get multi-layered antivirus protection that keeps them safe from the threats targeting Windows laptops. There is also a version available for Mac users. Bitdefender 2020 is a highly intuitive and user-friendly interface that even beginners can figure out and personalize according to their needs.

Malwarebytes Premium

You’ve probably heard of Malwarebytes, as it is often the most recommended malware removal tool for Windows. However, the free version can only eliminate some existing infections. Take the security to a much higher level by upgrading to Malwarebytes Premium. Its brand new detection engine is capable of finding all types of new threats with less performance impact.

Norton Antivirus Plus

It’s easy to upgrade to the Plus version of Norton Antivirus, and you can opt for monthly or yearling payments. Get real-time threat protection and advanced security tools to protect everything from personal files to financial information. Norton by Symantec has been an award-winning antivirus program for decades.

Kaspersky Internet Security

Not only is it one of the best antivirus for laptop programs, Kaspersky Internet Security offers other useful security tools as well, such as privacy / webcam protection. In addition to Windows protection, security for smartphones and tablets is included in a subscription.

Avast Antivirus

If you want to try the best “free” antivirus possible for the time being, before investing in a security suite, then Avast Free is probably your best choice. This Antivirus program won the 2018 “Product of the Year” award by AV-Comparatives.

Any one of these 5 products can pass as the “best antivirus for laptop”, including Windows and Mac. At this site, you will find Norton coupons, Bitdefender discounts, and plenty of other promo codes for computer security software.


Antivirus for Android Phone: Tips on Finding and Using the Best Security Tools for Android Devices

People often get anti-viruses for their computers but forget about their Android phones and tablets. They are vulnerable to many types of malicious files and scams as well these days. Hackers and cyber criminals are going to do everything they can to get into any device that has the internet. The important thing to do is to decide whether you want a standalone antivirus for Android phone or a security suite that offers a protection plan for all of your devices and computers.

A free antivirus app might be enough, just as long you are always super careful and play it safe with everything you do. You could just have a free app just for precaution. However, if you think you need other security tools, like a password manager, VPN, malware detector, etc., then it’d probably be best to invest in a security suite.

Usability is also important, as it is with any kind of app or program. There is more room for “tinkering” when it comes to desktop anti-viruses. For mobile devices, that isn’t really necessary, so the app you choose should be as simple as possible. If you have an older version of a smartphone, make sure the antivirus for Android phone is compatible with it and won’t bog the device down, whether you’re doing an active scan with it or just allowing it to run in the background.

Ratings of Antivirus for Android Phone

Another thing to look at is the number of reviews and the overall rating. A high number of reviews and an overall 4+ / 5 rating indicates that the developer must be doing something right. Take the time to read some reviews to see if people are praising things like speed, intuitiveness of the interface, the app’s ability to detect and remove malware and adware, and so forth.

Will the anti-virus program you are considering offer Android-specific features, such as filtering for texts and calls? Will you be warned about messages that could potentially be malicious? There should also be anti-phishing tools. After all, most people make purchases here and there via their smartphone, so it makes sense to protect your financial information as secure as possible and to make sure that you don’t fall for any phishing scams.

Lastly, anti-theft protection is essential as well. You should opt for an Android security app that allows you to wipe personal information from the device if it is ever stolen or lost.

The first antivirus or Android phone you might want to try is Kaspersky Mobile Antivirus (AppLock & Web Security). It’s free to download and use, and comes with tons of positive reviews.

Parental Control

Phone Monitoring App for Parents: How to Keep Your Kids Safe without Snooping Too Much

Many parents don’t like the idea of a cell phone monitoring app since they don’t want to be too intrusive and want to give their children some privacy and respect. On the other hand, if you don’t keep track of what they are up to and who they are talking to, how do you know they are not involved in anything dangerous? There is a compromise: use an app that will help you track their physical location and give you a summary of some of the content they view without fully looking at the details.

You can also regulate your child’s activities in the first place so that there won’t be any need to “spy” on them. Some parental control software can be used to help you filter out content you don’t want them to view, and to block numbers you haven’t approved of. You might also be able to get a list of who they have been texting, or chatting with on social media, without actually having to view the content of those messages so that they can still have a bit of privacy.

Some phone monitoring apps come with screen-time management, which can be very helpful in teaching kids how to manage their time better, and note to get distracted by staring at a screen all day. Instead, they can be doing meaningful, productive things like studying for school, reading, paying outside with friends, eating dinner with the family, etc.

Phone Monitoring App for a Strict Bedtime

If you want your kids in bed at 10:00 every night, then schedule for their phone to turn off automatically. Some parental control software also works on other devices, like PCs and tablets, in addition to smartphones. However, it usually costs money to use a particular program on multiple devices. If you do want this kind of service, make sure all of the devices and PCs you want them for meet the minimum system requirements.

When looking over these apps and programs, find out how you will be notified about what your child has been up to. Even if you just want a summary of their activities and don’t want to know details as to give them some privacy, it’s still helpful to receive notifications and summaries. Also, if the phone monitoring app has a location tracker, and your child goes outside of what you designate as “safe zones”, then you’ll definitely want an alert for that. Will the notifications come in real time? Will you receive them in an email? SMS alert? Push notification?

Kaspersy Safe Kids is a very good phone monitoring app and service for parents. The free version alone comes with some great features. However, it’s best to subscribe to the premium version so that you can get the extra security tools, like location tracking.


Good Virus Protection Guide – Top 4 Products to Consider Buying

There are literally dozens of antivirus products out there, some of which are free and some will cost you money. While “free” always sounds good, it’s not necessarily the best option when it comes to good virus protection for computers and smart devices. Instead of trying to use a free program, why not just take advantage of free trial offers of the better products before deciding whether it would be worth it to go through with the subscription?

To help you get started, here are a few products offered by the leading companies and products to consider:

Norton Antivirus Plus

If there is one name in the computer security industry you’ve probably heard of it is Norton by Symantec. The plus version of the antivirus software includes innovative security technology that is powered by AI and machine learning. It is also backed by the world’s biggest civilian virtual threat intelligence network. You can get a “smart firewall”, real time detection for all threats (viruses, malware, ransomware, and more), and a money back guarantee.

Kaspersky Antivirus 2020

Another name synonymous with “good virus protection” is Kaspersky. Its new antivirus 2020 software already has tons of positive reviews. It blocks everything from ransomware to crypto-lockers. In independent testing reviews, Kaspersky software usually gets very high ratings for its performance and detection rate. There is introductory discount pricing for new customers.

Bitdefender 2020

One of the things for which Bitdefender is primarily known is its free antivirus, which is vastly superior to most other free antivirus software out there. However, you’ll still want to upgrade to the Pro version in order to get more benefits. The Bitdefender platform consists of all anti-virus products and services that ensure privacy and security for customers of all needs, sizes, and devices. You can expect automatic updates so that you’ll never miss out on new and improved technologies and features, even if you’re already well into your subscription period.

Avast Premium Security

Not only can you expect good virus protection from Avast (paid), you get complete online protection from all threats for your computers, tablets, and smartphones. It’s available to try for free on a PC, and you can purchase a subscription for one Windows PC, one Mac, or multiple devices.

Take your time to research these companies a bit more and read some reviews and test results from independent labs. No matter which one you pick, you can count on getting good virus protection.


Computer Antivirus Software Overview: What Are the Most Important Services & Features an Antivirus Can Provide?

The only way to get a secure computer system this day and age is to use the best computer antivirus software possible. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get good protection. The leading cyber security software companies often offer discounts on their products. If you want to protect more than one computer in your home then you’ll be expected to pay more, but multi-device subscriptions are still fairly affordable.

The best software is designed for automatic updates. It should be able to keep up with all of the current, new, and emerging threats. You shouldn’t have to worry about any viruses that pop up in the future. If you have the best antivirus program, it will be able to stay on top of those threats and always keep you protected. Another important factor is the malware detection rate, which should be as close to 100% as possible so there is no real chance that any malicious file could sneak into your system.

You don’t want false positives, either, as those can be very annoying. Check and see if there are a lot of complaints of any particular software you are interested in. If many people are claiming that it is annoying and blocks legitimate programs, then you might want to avoid that program – especially if you enjoy downloading and trying out new software.

Computer Antivirus Software Protection

Here are a few things the best computer antivirus software offers:

• Real-time antivirus and malware protection
• Crypto-mining malware infection prevention
• Allowing the PC to perform as it is designed to, without slowing any processes down
• Ransomware, phishing attempts, and crypto-locker blocking
• Simplicity (the software should be easy to install and the interface should be easy to use)

Since so many people do shopping and banking online these days, it is essential that an antivirus program is capable of script detection. By detecting and blocking crypto-mining software, your chances of being a victim are significantly reduced. This kind of technology also keeps the PC running as it should since there is no malware slowing it down.

Of course, the antivirus program itself shouldn’t be slowing down your PC as it runs behinds the scenes. This is another thing to look for in reviews. Are there many people complaining that a particular security product puts too much of a load on the PC?

While there are some really good and really bad computer antivirus software programs, one name to always start with is Kaspersky. Take a look at Kaspersky Antivirus and the great features you get with a subscription. It’s also very affordable and has a near-perfect detection rate.

Password Manager

Good Password App for iPhone: 5 of the Best Password Storage and Management Tools in Apple Store

Everybody needs a password manager these days, since you need an account for literally everything, and each account requires a password. Since it’s impossible to keep track of every single password, and not advisable at all to just use the same one over and over again, many people use password saving and management tools to store everything for them. Unfortunately, some of these tools are not fully secure and can be hacked. It’s best that you choose a good password app for iPhone and other devices that has security and privacy features such as zero-knowledge protocols and two-step authentication.

Here are a few good apps to consider from the Apple app store:

Avast Passwords

This Avast app will let you keep not only your passwords safe, but your logins and PINs as well. With the newest version, Avast has gotten rid of a few bugs from previous versions. The app interface is very easy to use. With this new version installed, you can have forms filled automatically via a floating button. With a paid account, you can use the service on your other devices as well, and sync all of your accounts.


This is one of the higher rated – if not the HIGHEST rated password keepers. It even allows you to keep photos and documents locked up safely. The encryption keys never leave the iPhone and you are the only one who can ever access the passwords. 1PassWord keeps everything locked up, and you can quickly and securely unlock it with Face ID. You’ll be alerted whenever a website or app you use has been compromised and you have to change your password(s).


This is not only a good password app for iPhone, but a very popular one, with over 100,000 reviews and a 4.9 rating overall. There are literally millions of users. There is no limit to the number of login details you can store, and you can monitor the security of all of your passwords by enabling the “BreachWatch” feature.


Like Avast, Kaspersky is also a huge name in the cyber security industry. The great thing about its password manager is that it has zero-knowledge security, which is about the best security and privacy feature a password management solution can offer. Your data belongs only to you and can be accessed only by you. There is a free version available and a Premium. The free version does everything the Premium version does, except that it has a limit of 15 entries.


One of the main reason why Dashlane stands out as a good password app for iPhone is that it also includes a VPN service (with Premium accounts). Even with just the free plan you can securely store 50 passwords, personal info, unlimited payment cards, and other details in an encrypted vault and receive real-time security alerts whenever one of your accounts is exposed in a breach or a hack.

Password Manager

Best Password Saver Guide: All the Essential Security Features to Look for in a Password Manager Service

It’s time to stop attempting to come up with “clever” complicated passwords that you have to struggle to remember. Even if you have it written down somewhere, it could still become lost or stolen. The only true, secure way to keep your passwords saved, organized, and 100% private is to use the best password saver. There are many companies claiming to offer the “best”, though, so you might want to take the time to do a bit of research.

There are more benefits of using this kind of tool than just being able to keep your passwords secure and organized. For instance, some of the better mangers also keep other login info safe, like your email, phone number, username, address, and any other details you want to keep in an encrypted vault to which only you have access. One of the important features to look for is some type of two-step authentication – especially one that offers the option to use biometric features to access your passwords and other details.

Another essential feature is “zero-knowledge security”. With this, not even the password management provider will know or be able to view anything at all about your data, as it will be fully encrypted. The user should always be the only one who has full control over the encryption / decryption of his / her data. The encryption key should stay with you. This type of requirement prevents anyone else, including the company itself, from ever decrypting your data.

The Best Password Saver Provides a Good Generation Engine

Password generation is another thing to look into when choosing the best password saver. Humans are horrible at coming up with strong passwords with random characters – especially when they have to try and remember them. Just have the password manager generate a high-strength, yet random passwords for you. The only one you’ll have to remember is the master password. This, combined with your fingerprint or facial recognition, will make it impossible for anyone else to login into your accounts.

How do all of your accounts sync on all of your devices? A password saver that can be used on multiple devices will automatically sync by sending data to the cloud, and then from that cloud account straight to other computers and devices that have the relevant app installed. Everything is connected virtually to your account.

While not everyone will agree on what the “best password saver” is, one that DOES meet all of these requirements and comes with all of these features is Kaspersky Password Manager. With a paid account, you can get easy access to all of your accounts as well as a secure cyber vault for your ID, passport, debit and credit card info, and other personal data – all protected with zero-knowledge technology.


Anti Virus Programs: Guidelines and Tips for Choosing the Best Possible Vendor and Security Product for Your Devices

People are always worried about what would happen if their computer or tablet ever got a virus. If they had the right protection in the first place, they wouldn’t ever have to be concerned about their devices getting infected. There are plenty of good anti virus programs and security products available, so there is no excuse these days for getting an infected PC. All it takes is some research to learn which ones are really good and high-detection rates and which ones are a waste of time and/or money.

If you feel that you need better protection for your device, or just invested in a new one and want to get started right away with security, then one of the very first things to do is read test results from independent labs (AV-Test, AV-Comparatives, VirusBulletin, Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization, etc.), which offer an objective analysis of each and every anti-virus and anti-malware program. Only consider buying anti virus programs that have a 99% detection rate.

Reading reviews from other users is always helpful. Read reviews for the products you are interested in. If there are complaints, what are those complaints about? One common thing for people to complain about is speed. If someone claims that a particular program slowed their PC or tablet down too much, keep in mind that it could just be that they have older computer or tablet model. The minimum system requirements to run antivirus software are clearly outlined on each vendor’s website, and if they are not, then avoid that particular brand for its lack of transparency.

Anti Virus Programs Installation

ALWAYS uninstall any current antivirus and anti-malware programs you have on a computer or smartphone / tablet before installing a new one. Unless it’s an updated version of the same software from the same company, there will very likely be conflicts. Two security programs tend to not play nicely together, as they could detect each other’s databases of malware definitions as a threat.

Which features of a computer security program do you need? It really depends on your personal requirements. A few key components that everybody absolutely must have include a real-time scanner, automatic virus updates and program updates, on-the-spot scanner, compressed file scanner (if you work with a lot of zip files), email scanning, and good 24/7 customer support.

There are tons of additional features to consider, like a VPN, password manager, parental control tools, etc. The level of protection you get and the features and tools depend on which license you purchase, the subscription plan you choose, and the number of devices you are allowed to protect with that particular licensing and subscription.

Of all of the anti virus programs and computer security suites to choose from, the one company to start with is Kaspersky. Reviews are almost always positive from home users AND business users. Kaspersky products also have very high detection rates.