Parental Control

Family Internet Monitoring Software Info: Why It’s Best to Invest in a Full Suite of Parental Controls

Tweens and teens are one of the main users of online and mobile technologies in not only North America but in many other countries. They are too young to remember a time when having a computer and smartphone was a luxury, not a necessity. Many parents set the wrong example by spending too much time looking at their own screens. In order to ensure that your children have healthier habits, and that you do not influence them unintentionally, the best thing to do is invest in family internet monitoring software.

Another concern of parents is the types of individuals and the amount of inappropriate content they can become exposed to. There are too many sites and videos about hate, racism, pornography, violence, and so forth. It’s also imperative that you protect your children from any predators who might try exploiting them. It really does happen.

There are many types of family internet monitoring tools and programs. It’s better to go with a full suite that is comprehensive in the services it offers. It is not enough to install a filter or two, or to simply rely on the free parental control features that come built-in with operating systems and browsers. These free, simple tools can only help so much, and there is a chance your kid is tech-savvy enough to figure out how to get around it all.

Family Internet Monitoring Software is a Good Investment

Investing in a full suite of parental controls is your best option. Comprehensive protection does not have to cost a fortune. There are some great programs that are very affordable. Some of them offer family internet monitoring across all devices in the household, from laptops and desktops to everyone’s phone and personal tablet. You only have to pay one subscription price to install the apps on multiple devices.

If you have more than one child at different ages, you can create a profile for each child and determine what kinds of websites and video content you want to block each child from viewing, depending on their age and developmental behavior. You can also set limits on how long each child is allowed to spend on their computer or smartphone each day. This will help teach them the importance of time management. Give them extra time to spend online as a reward for good behavior. Also, you can even use family internet monitoring tools for yourself so that you won’t get distracted and stay on your own smartphone / laptop longer than you should. Whenever you do have to look at a screen in front of your kids, explain to them why (replying to an important text from a relative, reading breaking news, work-related stuff, etc.)

Out of all of the family internet monitoring programs out there, which one is the best? One you might really want to consider starting with is Norton Family Premier. It’s an award winning software that comes with “video supervision”, “mobile app supervision”, “social network supervision”, “location monitoring”, and many more essential tools.

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