Internet Security and Ransomware

Home PC Security: Guide to the Most Important Features Offered by the Best Antivirus Suites for the Home

Computer threats and cyber crime have evolved considerably over the past 30 years. It is now more important than ever before to invest in sophisticated home PC security. A basic, free antivirus program is no longer a good option for the vast majority of home PC users. It’s worth upgrading to a paid version, even for no other reason than to get rid of the ads and annoying plug-ins the free stuff comes bloated with. These days, the best home PC security will cost a bit of money, but it will potentially save you a lot of money in the long run as it keeps you safe from all types of hacking and fraud attempts.

A form of Advanced Threat Defense is good to have – especially if you have people in your household who like to try out new programs all the time. This kind of security feature places behavioral analysis on all system applications. If any of the programs start to act strangely and tries to gain some control over your computer, it will be stopped. However, to help prevent false positives, you should be given the option to add trusted programs to the “white list”.

The system scanning process should be thorough, yet fast. Some people don’t bother performing system scans with their anti-virus programs as often as they should due to the length of time it usually takes. People with older PCs in their homes have to wait even longer since certain programs take up too much of their system resources.

Home PC Security Clients Needed

When selecting home PC security, make sure that all of the computers you want it for meet (or ideally exceed) the minimum system requirements mentioned on the vendor’s website. Also, read reviews about a particular security program to see if there is a high number of complaints about its speed.

Don’t forget about any Macs in your home. While it’s true they are a lot less likely to become infected than Windows PCs, that doesn’t mean they are completely, 100% hack-proof or virus-proof. If your home network ever becomes compromised, or if an infected file from a Windows PC gets transferred over to the Mac computer, the latter can still become hacked or infected. Look for a home security suite that will protect the entire network and not just one PC.

While not everyone will agree on just one “perfect anti-virus”, you can always count on Bitdefender products to provide excellent home PC security. It’s definitely worth taking the time to check for Bitdefender 2020 coupons and going ahead and ordering a good security package right now.

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