Parental Control

Limit Kids Internet Time: Tips for Choosing the Right Parental Control Suite & the Benefits It Offers

There are many reasons to limit kids’ internet time. It helps free up time so to allow them to be more productive, and teaches them good habits. Even if it’s during summer months when school is out, you can encourage them to spend more time outdoors socializing with other children and exercising. In winter months, limiting their internet time means that you can get them to read actual, physical books or do homework.

Regardless of why you want to reduce your child’s screen time, you should follow your own rule and don’t waste time on your own phone or PC. If you do have to get on the internet in front of your child, let them know that it’s for an important reason, such as doing your own work or paying bills. If everyone in the family spends less time staring at a computer or phone screen, you can spend more time socializing, whether it’s at dinner, during a family outing, and so forth.

Since you can’t be with your kids 24/7, you can limit their screen time with the use of parental control apps. Typically, all it takes is a single subscription to be able to set the hours during the day that you will allow your child to be on the internet. From your own PC or phone, you can schedule the “turn off” time on their PC and/or phone. The better programs usually allow installation and use on multiple devices.

Limit Kids’ Internet Time for Certain Websites

What about educational content and apps? A good parental control service will allow you to limit kids internet time on certain websites and apps, yet allow them to access certain apps that will be beneficial for them. If you have children of different ages, there should be an option to create an individual profile for each kid and setting different time limits and restrictions to inappropriate content for a child of that particular age.

Another way to take advantage of good parental control programs is to use them as a way to reward children for good behavior. For instance, allow them to spend an extra hour playing a game or talking with friends on social media as a reward for doing well in school or completing chores.

These kinds of parental control apps do far more than allow you to manage kids’ internet screen time. You can keep an eye on what kinds of videos they are watching and websites they are visiting. Some apps even allow parents to have control over who their kids talk to and text on their phones. There might also be a tracking type of service.

What is the best program or app to limit kids’ internet time? Considering using Qustodio – it’s easy to sign up and install. You can begin setting time limits and managing all of the family’s devices straight from the web-based portal. Get started with a 3 FREE day trial of Qustodio’s Premium subscription.

Parental Control

Parental Control on Android Phone Info: What Features do the Best Programs Offer?

It’s important to keep an eye on your kids’ internet and smartphone usage so you’ll know if they are involved with anything or anyone who could potentially bring them harm. Plus, many parents want to limit their children’s screen time in order to encourage them to do more productive activities. Whatever your reason for wanting parental control Android phone, it’s important that you choose the right one that offers everything your family needs.

While there are some free parental controls that are built-in to Android devices, they are often lacking and don’t offer everything you need. Instead of manually using all of these controls, it’s easier to use one suite that is easy to use and offers all of the tools you need. Ideally, you should choose a program that has a user-friendly interface.

There is usually an option to create a profile for each child and set limitations depending on that child’s age and developmental personality. You should also be able to set the profiles for parental control on Android phone from your OWN phone or computer.

The time limiting feature offered by these types of programs is very beneficial. Many kids don’t get as much sleep as they need because they stay up longer than they should playing on their phone or tablet. You can set their device turn off automatically at bedtime. When they get a good night’s rest, they’ll be able to perform better at school. There are obvious health benefits as well.

Other Features of Programs for Parental Control on Android Phone

Some other features to look for include:

• The ability to limit your child’s social media time.
• The ability to monitor his / her activities on social media.
• Viewing information about the status of the battery.
• Controlling the installation and usage of apps.
• Being able to receive notification of your child’s whereabouts, and if he / she leaves the “safe areas” you designate.
• The ability to set access rules on various sites and apps.
• Receiving detailed reports on your children’s online activities.

You may or may not be allowed to monitor your child’s SMS and calls. There are some parental control on Android phone tools that provide parents with the history of their child’s calls / text messages. At the very least, you should be given a summary of their activity. The better programs will send you a notification if your child communicates with any individual who could be considered “suspicious”, and even allow you to add “suspicious” contacts that you don’t want him / her to communicate with.

So, what is the “best” program? How do you know which parental control on Android phone to use? One place to start is Kaspersky Safe Kids. It’s available as a free version, which is limited, and a Paid version, which includes all of the features and benefits you need – and it’s still affordable.

Parental Control

Screen Time Control for Parents: The Most Important Features You Can Get with a Parental Control Program

There are three main things to look for when searching for parental control software: monitoring, content filtering, and user control. Through the user control feature, you should be able to manage the account and create profiles for each child. You should also be given screen time control over your children. It’s not good to let your child stare at a computer or phone screen all day. Parental control suites are great for helping children develop healthy habits.

The screen time management tool should be easy to use. You should be given the option to create time limits, and to even schedule a time for your child’s device to automatically turn off, such as at bedtime. Another way to use such a feature is as a reward for when your kid finishes homework or chores, brings home good grades from school, etc. Give that child extra screen time as a way to reward good behavior.

This day and age, however, kids often do need internet access in order to do research for school. Teens will often be required to type reports. Once again, monitoring is one of the essential features of parental control programs. You should be able to keep an eye on what your child is doing on the internet to ensure that they are only looking at things that are school-related.

User-Friendly Screen Time Control Options

User-friendliness is very important – especially for parents who are not very tech-savvy. Instructions and options should be clear and concise. The processes of creating profiles for each child, managing those profiles, and setting up schedules for screen time should all be simple.

If your primary concern is what your child does and looks at online, then use screen time control tools that allow you to control what kind of content they view. Filtering is another essential feature to consider when looking for a good parental control program or app. Some programs will offer suggestions on what types of content to allow and what to filter out depending on factors such as the child’s age. You can block all sorts of violent, weapon-related content, sexual content, and any other topics you think might be too mature for your child to view.

How much do these programs cost? It depends on factors such as the company itself, the level of control you want, the number of years you want to use it, and so forth. Some of them are available for free, although the free versions are usually limited. With a paid version of a program, you’ll typically get many more options and control over your child’s internet usage.

One program to consider is Kaspersky Safe Kids. Even the free version offers a screen time control feature. If you want extra features, like social media monitoring and real-time alerts, then you can get the paid version at an affordable price. Kaspersky coupons are often available.

Parental Control

Best Apps for Parental Controls: Review of the Top Apps and What They Offer

A parental control app is a service that allows a parent to monitor and even control the content their children can see on the internet. Some of these apps can even perform the same kind of functions for data plan-based communication such as text messaging and phone calls. The best apps for parental control offerings generally comprise of three primary service: filtering what the child views, controlling how much time the child spends don the device, and monitoring the child’s activities.

Since there are so many apps to choose from, you might not know where to begin. Here is a quick summary of the top-rated apps for you to check out:

Norton Family Premier

Norton has always been among the biggest names in computer security. Now, this security has expanded to offer parental control solutions that can be used on computers and mobile devices. This isn’t the cheapest service, but it definitely offers some great features, like location tracking, web monitoring, and time-scheduling. If you are already a full Norton suite such as Security Premium, Family Premier is included for free.

Kaspersky SafeKids

This is a good, cheap option – especially for Android. You can view your kids’ activities, do device scheduling, manage their apps, and so forth. with the paid version, you’ll be able to locate your kid on a map, and even define a “safe area” for them to stay in. Should they go out of the “safe area”, you’ll receive an instant alert. If you are concerned about social media, the paid version of Kaspersky SafeKids offers a feature for tracking their public activity on platforms like Facebook.

ESET Parental Control

Like some of the other best apps for parental controls, this solution by ESET is available as both a Free version and a Paid version. With the free version, you’ll get all of the essentials, like time limit management, time budgets, application guard / blocking, and basic reports on what your child is up to. The premium tier is one low yearly price for all of the devices and computers in the household and includes plenty of extra features.


This is often #1 in the list of “best apps for parental controls”. With Qustodio, you can protect your kids against a growing number of cyber threats and security issues, including cyber-bullying and screen addiction. It even comes with a “Panic Button” your child can use in the case of an emergency.

Keep in mind that the best apps for parental controls offer the most mobile features for Android. There are some limits to the features and capabilities on iOS, since Apple doesn’t make things easy for third-party parental control apps. If your children have only iOS devices, decide whether or not it will be worthwhile to pay full price for limited features.

Parental Control

Android Monitoring App for Parents Overview: What Are the Essential Feature to Look For In a Good App?

For most parents, it’s an absolute must to keep an eye on what their kids are up to on the internet. You can’t keep an eye on their internet use 24/7 – especially if they have a tablet or smartphone they take everywhere. What you can do is install a good Android monitoring app for parents. A legitimate app is also a good choice if you’re one of those parents who doesn’t like the idea of outright spying on your child or even going so far as to hack into their phone.

Download and install a good parental control app on all of the Android devices. Usually, with a single paid subscription, you can install the app on all of your children’s devices. Some even offer cross-platform support and can be used on computers as well.

Kids can really get into mischief on their tablets or mobile phones these days. Whether it’s on purpose or by accident, you never know what kind of danger your kid can get into if you’re not at least doing some type of monitoring. A good set of parental controls will give you a sense of control and can help you keep a cautious eye, just in case there is something (or worse – someone) that could harm them.

The most basic features of an Android monitoring app will allow you to block certain apps and websites from your child and to keep an eye on who they are befriending on social media and receiving text messages / calls from.

What to Expect from Android Monitoring App for Parents

A few other features you can expect with a really good program include:

• “Safe browsing”
• Screen time monitoring and limiting
• Safe check-in
• Location tracking and Geo-fencing
• Manage applications

It should be no problem to use one account for monitoring more than one child. You should be given the option to create profiles for each one. The “Safe Browsing” feature allows you to select the categories of content you want to block your child from viewing from a predefined list. If there are any specific URLs you want to add to the list, you should be allowed to do so.

Location tracking and geo-fencing features are considered extremely important by parents, as these tools give you a peace of mind of knowing where your child is at – or at least an idea of where they are at – 24/7. The app should notify you instantly the second your child enters an area that you have marked as “restricted”.

Now that you know what to look for in an Android monitoring app for parents, you can get started with the installation process. Bitdefender Parental Control is a good place to start, as it offers all of the features mentioned above. If you like it, consider investing Bitdefender Family Pack 2019, which offers protection from all types of cyber threats to the entire family.

Parental Control

Parental Filter for Android Guide: Why Families Need More Than Basic Parental Controls

Are you looking for a reliable parental filter for Android? The built-in controls aren’t enough for many parents. The right parental controls give parents a better grasp on how their kids are using the web on their phones and tablets. You can monitor their activity and block them from accessing specific apps. The best program will allow you to restrict the types of apps, programs, and apps that each kid can use based on their preferences and age group. Create a profile for each child and you’ll be given recommendations of what kinds of content you might want to block and what will probably be safe for them to access.

Simply setting up the parental controls in the Google Play store isn’t sufficient, as it only covers what they can download through that store and doesn’t control anything else they can do with an Android device, such as posting on social media.

For older kids, it’s a bit more difficult to use parental controls since they are going to be using more than an Android device. Teenagers have access to a variety of internet devices and computers. Parents need a subscription to a suite that offers filtering and monitoring tools for every type of operating system, computer, and device. It’s a lot easier to handle everything when you go through a single portal or interface.

Other Features Available on a Parental Filter for Android

There are some essential features to look for when it comes to a parental filter for Android and other devices, such as the ability to block SMS. You can get an overview of who your child is texting and receiving texts from the most. If there is any kid you don’t want them to be friends with, or a suspicious adult, you will be able to see it and block that person from sending messages to your child. Some parental control suites will also let you keep an eye on their Facebook messages and friends list.

One of the most important function for any parent for any child is location tracking. Track the location of the Android and child at all times on a map. Some programs even have an “SOS Panic Button” that sends you location-based notifications whenever your child steps out of a designated “safe area” and/or is in trouble.

What is the right plan for you? Since a typical family owns more than a few devices these days, you’ll need more than just a standard parental filter for Android. Use a program like Qustodio Premium as it provides all of the tools and functions mentioned above and can cover up to 10 devices.

Parental Control

Parental Block on Internet Guide: Which Tools and Software are Right for Your Family?

When it comes to having a parental block on internet, there are a variety of tools and options. For some parents, it is simply enough to block certain types of websites and content from their child. For others, additional features such as screen time management, location tracking, and social media monitoring are essential. You know your child better than anyone else, so the amount of control you want over your child’s internet use is up to you.

Many parents don’t like to snoop too much – especially if you have teenagers. There is a difference between spying and filtering. You can still give your tween or teen some privacy and freedom while protecting them at the same time due to filtering features. It’s recommended that you don’t use “spyware” to secretly watch your kid’s activities. Instead, just use parental block on internet tools to prevent them from seeing or experiencing harmful material, and to occasionally observe their search habits and social media habits.

There are some tools that give parents the idea of who is on their child’s contact list on their phone and on sites like Facebook. This will give you some idea of the types of friends they have, and if there are any suspicious people trying to associate with them. You’ll be in a better position to teach your children to be cautious on social media. If you see that they are posting too much personal information about themselves, home, daily schedule, etc…, have a discussion with them about the importance of internet safety.

Screen Habit Development With a Parental Block on Internet

Parental control software also helps your child develop healthy screen habits. Restrict his or her access to the internet on the computer and phone. Schedule the screen to go off at a certain time, such as during dinner or late at night when he/she should be sleeping. The great thing about quality software for parental block on internet is that the tools can be used not only on the PC but on smartphones and tablets as well. You can control everything from a single web portal just by logging into the software provider’s website.

While there are already built-in controls with Windows and every web browser, smart kids can figure out how to get around them. Don’t let your kid try to outsmart you – use a program that they cannot have access to.

With so many parental block on internet software suites out there, how do you know which one to use? What will be the best option for your family? Norton is always a name that many people trust when it comes to any type of internet protection. Give Norton Family Premier a try. It’s award-winning software that offers a wide variety of useful tools.

Parental Control

Parental Blocks on Computer: All of the Important Features to Look for in a Parental Control Program

While there are already some parental blocks on computer already built-in with the latest version of Windows and all of the browsers, many parents still opt for a more advanced solution. Windows does have some good controls, but these features and tools can only do so much. There is also the fact that some people simply don’t care for Microsoft and don’t want to bother with “Microsoft Family”.

What does a good “third party” parental control suite offer? For starters, these suites offer more than just parental blocks on computer. Even if your child isn’t yet old enough to have a cell phone or tablet, you’ll have to get them one eventually. Make sure that they cannot access inappropriate content on ALL devices and PCs in the household.

Parental controls also go way beyond restricting inappropriate content. There is also time supervision to consider. Teach your children screen time management. Encourage them to socialize with other children in real life, and not just over a computer screen. With the right parental control program, you can actually set time limits on their computer and other devices.

There is also social network supervision to consider. Keep an eye on each child’s time and activities on Facebook. Even if they refuse to “friend” you, you can still monitor their usage and view the age and name they are using on their profiles. Teaching children smart social media habits is essential in this day and age.

Parental Blocks on Computer for Video Filtering

Don’t forget about YouTube and other video sites, either. A good child monitoring program will allow you to view a list of videos each child is watching on their PCs and/or mobile devices. You might even be able to view a snippet of each video for a better idea of what they are about. If any of the video content gives you some concern, you’ll know that it’s time to talk to that child who is viewing it.

You can also learn about your kid’s interests with search supervision. See the exact phrases, terms, and words they are entering into search engines for some insight of what they are looking at or attempting to look at.

The ability to filter content is extremely important for parents. You must ensure that each kid is only viewing content that is appropriate for his or her age. The process of creating a profile for each child and selecting what he/she should be allowed to view and not to view, and making changes down the road as the child ages should be straightforward.

Now you know what to consider when choosing a program that offers parental blocks on computer. One of the best programs is Norton Family Premier, which can be used not only for computers, but for Android and Apple devices as well.

Parental Control

Limiting Screen Time for Kids: Tips for Teaching Kids Time Management and Choosing an App to Help

Even at a young age, the amount of screen time kids crave is rapidly accelerated. Mobile media time from 1 – 8 year olds has more than doubled in the recent 5 – 6 years. Teenagers spend more time staring at screens than any other activity, including late at night when they should be doing homework or falling asleep. It’s not surprising that parents want to learn about limiting screen time for kids.

It’s best to start young. It’s hard to tell a teenager to keep a tablet out of their room at night when you didn’t start a few years ago. It helps to enforce limits for yourself so you can set a good example. Start establishing “family time” that has nothing to do with any screens, be they smartphone displays, tablet displays, televisions, and computer screens. Be sure to follow any rules you set yourself and enforce them.

It helps to have access to parental control and monitoring tools so that you can set limits on their use and monitor them when they are using a device, so that you can be sure they’re not using it for anything they’re not supposed to. If they need to use the internet past their bedtime for schoolwork, you can keep an eye on them to make sure that’s exactly what they’re doing.

Parental control suites include a tool that allows limiting screen time for kids by schedule an “on” and “off” time. You should be given the option to lock all of their devices and computers at specific times, or only some websites and apps while allowing them to access certain apps.

Limiting Screen Time for Kids, Within Reason

You don’t want to outright keep your kids away from screens. Let them enjoy their favorite apps and games as a reward for good behavior, such as good grades in school and doing the chores. The idea is to teach them healthy habits so that they can be more productive with their time.

Whenever you have to use your own phone or view your own computer when your kids are round, make sure they understand why. State that you are only using your phone to check the weather, or because you are expect to receive an important message from a relative to business associate.

Use a parental control suite that makes it easy to create profiles for each kid. It should be an easy process to manage each child’s profile and to control all of the devices in the home.

Perhaps the best program/app for limiting screen time for kids is Qustodio. It comes with many additional features which vary depending on the type of device and operating system. Its “Time Controls by Device” tool can be used on every smartphone, tablet, and PC in the family. Learn about the pricing options and use Qustodio coupons.

Parental Control

Best Parental Monitoring App for iPhone and iPad Devices: What Features Should You Look For?

Kids these days do not remember a time when there weren’t such things at cell phones, or even what life was like before the internet became the norm. There are both good things and bad things about having an iPhone on hand all the time. Fortunately, tools such as the best parental monitoring app for iPhone, allow parents to protect their kids from all types of dangers, from bad websites to potential predators. The best apps also come with some sort of tracking feature.

Parents don’t like seeing their kids staring at a screen all day, either. They can develop poor social habits when they spend so much time on their phones. Another good thing about parental apps is that they have time management features. You can schedule your child’s iPhone to lock and unlock at any times. Ensure that they do their homework and go to bed on time by remotely turning their iPhone and iPad off.

Protect your kids when they are out in the “real world” by using an app with a GPS tracker, which allows you to keep up with where they’ve been throughout the day. Some of the better programs will even allow you to view their whereabouts on a real-time map. You’ll be allowed to define a safe zone for them to stay in. Should they step over that designated zone, you will instantly be alerted. You can even monitor their battery so that you’ll know when it’s getting low.

Content Filter of the Best Parental Monitoring App for iPhone

One common feature found on all parental monitoring apps is a content filter. With this, you won’t have to worry about your kids accidentally coming across inappropriate content you would rather them not see. If you’re unsure, you can simply enter data about that child, such as age, and view recommendations. Create a profile for each child. You should be able to access all of the profiles from a single interface, which is usually at through app company’s main website.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding social networking. It has its perks and downsides – especially for those who get addicted to it. The good news for parents is that there are tools available to help you track your children’s social media activity – especially Facebook. There is mobile contact screening as well so you can keep an eye on your kids’ contacts.

Take the time to read reviews on apps to see what other parents are saying. Which one seems to be the easiest to install and use? What is the best parental monitoring app for iPhone? Many people consider Kaspersky Safe Kids to be a must-have app. There is a free version and Pro version available. The Pro version comes with all of the aforementioned features. You might be able to get it at a discount price if you use Kaspersky coupons.