Parental Control

Online Monitoring for Parents – What Kinds of Tools and Features Will Help Keep Your Kids Safe?

The internet is filled with things that nobody wants their kids to see. Even social media can be dangerous if precautions aren’t taken. There are a lot of good things about parenting in the digital age: you can more easily keep your kids entertained and distracted, and there are tons of educational apps and software. Older kids can watch educational videos on YouTube or conduct research. However, you should still take advantage of tools for online monitoring for parents to help keep your kids safe.

Some parents also want to use monitoring tools to teach their kids screen time management. There is a downside to spending too much time staring at a screen. Not only does it cause eye strain, it also can lead to behavioral issues. There is always the possibility of the child running across something or someone dangerous.

Keep in mind that there is a difference between spying and monitoring. Many parents don’t feel comfortable with the idea of “snooping” on their children. Fortunately, there are parental control tools that allow you to monitor your child’s activities without being too intrusive and invading their privacy. You can simply set up a profile for each child and selecting which types of websites and content to block that child from seeing, and receive a summary at the end of the day of some of the content your child accessed. Some programs also allow you to set time limits for each child to spend online. You can specify the hours yourself.

Online Monitoring for Parents In the Average Household

Since the average household has tons of computers and internet-enabled devices of every kind, it’s important that you choose software that allows online monitoring for parents on all devices and across every browser / OS. This way, no matter which phone, tablet, or computer your child has used, you can still view a report and monitoring some of their activities.

If you need “real time” tracking tools, look for software that will send you an ALERT right away if your child steps out of the safe zones you specify. This is perhaps the most important feature for many parents since it literally helps keep their children physically safe. If something happens and they leave the designated safety areas, you’ll know right away.

Since there are so many tools and programs that offer online monitoring for parents, how do you know which one is the right one for you? How do you know which one offers the ideal features you are looking for? First thing you need to do is check if your current internet security program has any parental control features. If not, then consider a standalone option, like Kaspersky Safe Kids, which is available as a free version and paid version.

Parental Control

Android Parental Control Time Limit Overview: Important Things to Look For When Searching for a Parental Control App

Giving your child his or her own Android device has its pros and cons. On one hand, it will keep them distracted and entertained. It will help you stay in contact with them when they are at school or out with friends. It will also help them with school thanks to educational apps. The downside is that there are a lot of potential dangerous lurking on the internet. Plus, it is very easy for kids to spend WAY TOO much time in front of the screen. This is why many parents are searching for Android parental control time limit apps.

These screen time apps are very helpful since they give you control over how much time your child should spend in front of the screen each day, and when they should be allowed to look at the screen. Give them extra screen time as an award for good behavior at home and/or at school, or take away screen time as punishment.

Since there are so many parental control apps for Android, don’t just assume that any of them will do. Some are a complete waste of time. Older kids, like 11 and up, might be tech-savvy enough to get around the controls you have set. For this reason, read reviews from other parents and check out the ratings. While there are some free apps, some of them have issues such as bugs or might be bogged down with ads.

Android Parental Control Time Limit With Other Software

If you already have an advanced antivirus program or security suite, check and see it comes with any parental control tools that you can use on Android devices. If not, then consider purchasing either a security suite or standalone Android parental control time limit app. Premium monthly plans can be affordable if you choose the right program and take advantage of any coupon codes or online discounts.

Be sure and choose a program that will be easy customizable by you, but still sophisticated enough that your kids won’t be able to figure out a way around it behind your back. Look for additional features as well, and not just screen time management. For instance, some of this software comes with social media monitoring, adult website blocking, and even tracking. If you have more than one child, then you should be given the option to create a separate profile for each child with parameters and restrictions ideal for that child’s age and development.

How do you know which program is right for your family? Whether you’re simply after an Android parental control time limit app or want a full suite of parental control tools, then Qustodio is definitely the ideal program to check out. You get basic protection for free, but it’s worth upgrading to receive all of the advanced features. Check and see if there are Qustodio coupons available to help you save on the upgrade.

Parental Control

Family Internet Monitoring Software Info: Why It’s Best to Invest in a Full Suite of Parental Controls

Tweens and teens are one of the main users of online and mobile technologies in not only North America but in many other countries. They are too young to remember a time when having a computer and smartphone was a luxury, not a necessity. Many parents set the wrong example by spending too much time looking at their own screens. In order to ensure that your children have healthier habits, and that you do not influence them unintentionally, the best thing to do is invest in family internet monitoring software.

Another concern of parents is the types of individuals and the amount of inappropriate content they can become exposed to. There are too many sites and videos about hate, racism, pornography, violence, and so forth. It’s also imperative that you protect your children from any predators who might try exploiting them. It really does happen.

There are many types of family internet monitoring tools and programs. It’s better to go with a full suite that is comprehensive in the services it offers. It is not enough to install a filter or two, or to simply rely on the free parental control features that come built-in with operating systems and browsers. These free, simple tools can only help so much, and there is a chance your kid is tech-savvy enough to figure out how to get around it all.

Family Internet Monitoring Software is a Good Investment

Investing in a full suite of parental controls is your best option. Comprehensive protection does not have to cost a fortune. There are some great programs that are very affordable. Some of them offer family internet monitoring across all devices in the household, from laptops and desktops to everyone’s phone and personal tablet. You only have to pay one subscription price to install the apps on multiple devices.

If you have more than one child at different ages, you can create a profile for each child and determine what kinds of websites and video content you want to block each child from viewing, depending on their age and developmental behavior. You can also set limits on how long each child is allowed to spend on their computer or smartphone each day. This will help teach them the importance of time management. Give them extra time to spend online as a reward for good behavior. Also, you can even use family internet monitoring tools for yourself so that you won’t get distracted and stay on your own smartphone / laptop longer than you should. Whenever you do have to look at a screen in front of your kids, explain to them why (replying to an important text from a relative, reading breaking news, work-related stuff, etc.)

Out of all of the family internet monitoring programs out there, which one is the best? One you might really want to consider starting with is Norton Family Premier. It’s an award winning software that comes with “video supervision”, “mobile app supervision”, “social network supervision”, “location monitoring”, and many more essential tools.

Parental Control

Online Parental Controls Guide: Understanding the Services and Tools the Best Parental Control Suite Offers

There are a number of important features parents look for to help them maintain control over their kids’ internet use. After all, there are so many potential dangers lurking just about everywhere online, from inappropriate websites to suspicious strangers. While there are some free online parental controls, they can be figured out by older kids. They won’t do you any good if your tween or teen figured out how to turn the controls off behind your back.

The best way to maintain control over what your children view on the internet, and who they communicate with via text messages or social media, is to use a high-quality professional program. It should be easy enough for you to understand, but difficult for your kids to try and take over.

Kids these days do have access to more than just a home PC. They use smartphones and tablets, and some even have their own laptops. For this reason, it’s useful to choose a parental control suite that is compatible with Windows, Mac, and mobile devices. Choose a subscription that will allow you to use the programs on multiple devices at an affordable price.

It’s very useful when online parental controls allow you to manage the apps your child uses and how much time they spend in front of the screen. If you feel that they are spending too much time in front of computer or mobile screens, you should be able to limit that time and schedule for their device to be turned off a specific times. Teaching them how to manage their screen time can be very beneficial to their overall health.

Extra Benefits in Online Parental Controls

If you’re afraid of prying too much and want to give them some privacy, then some programs offer expert tips and advice from child psychologists. Take advantage of suggestions when creating a profile for each child, so you’ll have some idea of how much screentime to allow them each day, what kinds of website and YouTube videos to block them from viewing, how much freedom to give them on social media, and so forth.

The best thing about some online parental controls is that they can actually be used to physically protect your kids! Choose one that has a GPS tracker so that you can locate their whereabouts throughout the day. Some programs even let you define the safe areas in which they are to stay, and receive an alert should they ever leave those defined areas. You might also get a warning when their phone or tablet batteries are running low.

Is there really a program that offers all of these features? Yes – Kaspersky Safe Kids definitely offers them all, and it’s very affordable. Use Kaspersky coupons to help you save on the best online parental controls.

Parental Control

Family Internet Filter: All of the Important Features You Should be Looking for to Keep Your Kids Safe

Accessing the internet is now an essential part of everyone’s daily life, including kids. Children are growing up in a digital environment and use a range of interconnected devices for all sorts of activities, including schoolwork, communication with friends and family, entertainment, and so forth. Unfortunately, there are so many things on the internet that parents would prefer that their kids never see. This is why family internet filter software is something that most parents are now using.

The age of the child is something to consider when looking for parental controls. The ideal program should provide plenty of flexibility, yet still be easy to use. Creating a profile for each child should be a simple process. Let the program provide you with suggestions and recommendations on what kind of content to block for each child. You DON’T want the program to be TOO simple, however, or your older kids might figure out a way to get around the blocks and restrictions.

Filtering out certain content that you don’t want your child to be exposed to is only one of the useful features of parental control software. It can also be dangerous to a child’s development if they spend way too much time in front of screens and not enough time actually getting out and actually interact and play with other kids outdoors. While you can restrict them from getting on the home computer, what about their mobile phones or tablets? The ideal family internet filter suite will allow you to set up a time limit on ALL devices. Simply set their devices to automatically turn off at a scheduled time.

Family Internet Filter for Social Media

Concerned about social media? More than half of 11+ year olds are on Facebook, and not all of them have private profiles. Who knows what kinds of people can view their profiles and try to send them friend requests? If your kids are on social media, then go for a parental control suite that allows you to keep an eye on their activities on those platforms.

It’s every parent’s worst nightmare that their child goes missing. You can have a better peace of mind if you have a location tracking feature and “Panic button” for use in emergency situations. It’s also helpful to have the ability to track calls and SMS. Even if you want to give your child some privacy and don’t want to read their messages, you should at least have some idea of who they are exchanging text messages with and who is on their contacts list.

So, is there a family internet filter program that really does offer all of the features mentioned here? You’ll find everything you need with Qustodio. Start a free account to try the premium features and then upgrade if you are satisfied with everything Qustodio offers.

Parental Control

Parental Control Software for PC Guide: How to Evaluate and Choose the Best Cyber Protection for Your Kids

There are so many threats on the internet that makes any parent wary of letting their kids online, yet you still have to these days. It’s impossible to go without internet technology. The only thing you can do is get some good parental control software for PC and try to protect them from as much dangers as possible. If your child is old enough to have his / her own smartphone, then you’ll want to put protection apps on those as well.

Some parental control tools let you stop children from using a computer after a certain time, or to place a limit on the amount of time they spend per day. There are also tools that stop kids of certain ages from being able to view certain types of content. You can create profiles for multiple children with one account. Decide if you want to actually monitor their online activities, or if you want to just give them privacy. If you have tech-savvy teenagers, they might try to figure out how to get into the account and change settings, or circumvent their way around the controls you put up. To prevent this from happening, learn as much as you can and select a program that will be very difficult for them to figure out.

There are some built-in tools in some browsers already, but that doesn’t mean kids can’t end up seeing something they shouldn’t anyway, whether on purpose or inadvertently. Plus, you don’t want some weird stranger or untrustworthy person trying to text your child or add them on social media. Speaking of which, social media controls and monitoring are something to look for when shopping for parental control software for PC.

The Ideal Parental Control Software for PC

The ideal program will be easy to use for you, but still difficult for kids to figure out. You should get a visually intuitive web dashboard with all of the options easy to understand. Some apps / programs can be installed on your child’s computer / device without them even knowing. This is a good feature to look for if you want to monitor your child, but don’t want them to realize they’re being monitored.

Another useful tool that some parental control apps / programs offer is the ability to keep track of your kid’s whereabouts. Find out if they have been going to any place you haven’t given them permission to be at.

Since there are so many tools / programs / apps to choose from, you might not have any idea which parental control software for PC to get. One particular name that gets mentioned a lot in the family security cyber industry is Qustodio. Choose a “Small Plan”, “Medium Plan”, or “Large Plan” depending on the size of your family. Take advantage of Qustodio coupon codes to help you save.

Parental Control

Online Parental Control Software Info: What to Look for in an Internet Security Suite for the Entire Family

Anybody with children will want to protect them from all of the online threats – of which there are many these days. From predators to objectionable content, you’ll want the best software possible to shield their eyes and identities. Luckily, there are some really good programs that will allow you to do just that. Since there are many companies and services that claim to offer good online parental control software, you need to be careful with your choice. You don’t want to end up with one that will either be a complete waste of money or one that is too complicated to use.

One feature that a lot of parents look for is one that will help them manage their kids screen time. Do you worry that your child is staring at a phone screen or computer screen too much? Or watching too much TV? With the right parental control tools you can limit that screen time from your own phone or PC. Just logon to the account and create a usage schedule for each child.

Another thing to look for is a feature that will allow you to decide who gets to contact your child through their phone. You can set it to block any incoming all from a number you haven’t approved. If someone you’ve never heard of or met wants to try and contact your child, you can receive a notification, just as long as you choose the right online parental control software.

Entire Family Protection With Online Parental Control Software

Some parents want to go all out and protect the entire family from all potential harm. There are other threats that not only your child, but you and your significant other can become prey to as well, such as viruses, hacking, and all sorts of scams. You might want to consider a full suite of “family protection” tools, which includes an antivirus program, parental tools, and even ransomware remediation.

Social network protection is extremely important for everyone in the family. Even adults can become victims of threats on these platforms. If you’re not careful, you could end up clicking on a malicious link sent by a friend who had their account hacked. With the right security suite, every member of your household can be protected from such potential scenarios.

Now that you have some idea of what to look for in online parental control software, you might be interested in Bitdefender Family Pack. It offers all the solutions you need to keep your entire family safe from all possible cyber threats.

Parental Control

Child Safe Internet Software Overview: A Look at the Best Features and Tools for Parents

There is a lot of stuff on the internet that is harmful for children to see. Even worse, there are bad people on the internet who could try targeting your kids. The best way to protect children from all types of cyber threats is to install the best child safe internet software on every computer and device they have access to. Typically, you can buy one subscription and can use the tools on multiple computers and smartphones.

The best parental control programs can help you track your kids and keep an eye on who they are communicating with. You’ll be able to block objectionable and dangerous websites from their view. If you have more than one kid at different age ranges, you can create an individual for each one and receive suggestions from the intuitive software.

The great thing is that you can get all of this technology at an affordable price. The best child safe internet software usually doesn’t cost that much. It’s affordable for the average family, and some programs are even available as a free trial. With some companies, there is a free version and a pro version available. It’s almost always ideal to go with the pro version since it offers many more features and tools to help you protect your children.

Time Supervision in Child Safe Internet Software

Time Supervision is a feature that many parents appreciate. This allows parents to manage how much screen time each kid gets. Establish healthier habits in the family by scheduling specific times of the day and week everyone can use each device. Use extra screen time as a reward for kids doing well in school and completed their chores. On the flip side, you can take time away from them as a punishment.

A Location Supervision feature is the #1 feature most parents look for since it keeps them informed of where their kids are. If they don’t get on the school bus and come directly home after school, or stay out past curfew, you can get an idea of where they actually are with this tool. Make sure you choose a program that runs on whichever device your child has, whether it’s iOS or Android. You can also check and see if they were at a place they weren’t supposed to be by viewing a history of where they’ve been.

With the right child safe internet software, you can also receive insights into the search terms your kids are using and the types of videos they are watching. If there are any red flags, you’ll know when it’s time to have a discussion. These kinds of features are all available with Norton Family Premier, which is an award-winning program. It’s also available with Norton Security Premium, which is something you might want to consider if you need additional security.

Parental Control

Family Safe Internet Filter Software and Tools for Keeping Everyone Safe

Knowing how to keep the entire family safe online is something that everyone should learn to do. Even if your kids are in their late teens, you still need to protect not only their identities but your own as well. There are all sorts of threats on the internet that can harm anyone. Your kids could be exposed to inappropriate content or even preyed upon by bad people. You and your spouse could always be the victims of identity theft and other digital crimes. The best way to protect everyone is to use a good family safe internet filter.

There are tons of tools and apps available for every type of computer in the house, all smartphones, and tablets. Ideally, you’ll want to use one centralized suite that you can easily login to through a web portal. Just sign in and create profiles for each member of the family. Select age appropriate content for each child. If available, put tracking on everyone’s phones. Consider investing in a suite that also includes features such as VPN and wireless internet security, webcam protection, social media monitoring, and so forth.

If you’re unsure what is appropriate and what is not for each child, the better programs usually offer some recommendations depending on his or her age and developmental level. There is usually an option for parents to view details about their children’s social media activity, including newly added friends, as well as what kinds of videos they are watching on YouTube.

Additional Features of a Family Safe Internet Filter

Another neat feature often found in family safe internet filter software is the ability to let you manage how much time your kids spend on their devices. Schedule hours of the day when you want them to be able to use their laptop, smartphone, and even TV, as well as the cut-off time. When it’s bedtime, for instance, their devices will automatically switch off.

That being said, parental control software is not intended to be a substitute for good communication. You must explain to your children why you are limiting their screen time. Set an example by staying off the screen yourself as well. Encourage your partner or spouse to do the same. This will give everyone a chance to actually do “traditional family things” like have dinner together, go on outings, attend religious services, spend time at the park, reading actual physical books, and so forth.

There are so many products out there to choose from. It’s a good idea to start with something like Kaspersky Safe Kids, as it comes with a family safe internet filter and other useful tools. Since it’s such a world-renowned organization, you might want to consider other antivirus and security products as well. Just look over Kaspersky coupon deals.

Parental Control

Parental Time Control Tips: How to Manage Your Child’s Screentime and Establish Healthy Internet Habits

While electronics can help keep kids quiet, too much screen time is never a good thing. It can potentially be unhealthy – both physically and emotionally. One way to ensure that your kid’s time online isn’t too much is to develop a parental time control strategy. There are apps / programs that can help you do this. Not only do you get control over how much time your child spends in front of a screen, you also get control over which types of sites they visit, which videos they watch, who they talk to on social media, and so forth.

It helps if you understand electronics yourself –especially if you have teenagers. It’s not uncommon for kids to understand how electronics work more than their parents. This is why it’s essential for you to stay on top of the latest tech trends, including the newest social media crazes, latest chat apps, and so forth. Also, compare different parental time control software to see which ones parents are most satisfied over. Be sure and choose a program that no kid, no matter how tech-savvy, will be able to figure out.

Set aside certain times of the day and week to unplug. You can schedule when all devices and computers in the house turn off and turn back on. Arrange some times throughout the day for “quality family time”. This can be during dinner, late night snack time, weekend fun, and so forth. During these periods, set an example for your kids and stay off the internet yourself. Leave all the TVs off as well.

Parental Time Control is Easier With Understanding

It’s extremely helpful if your children understand the dangers associated with too much screen time themselves. Don’t just turn their TVs, computers, and phones off without any explanation. Otherwise, they’ll think you’re just being mean. It’s okay to work out some agreements, such as letting them know that if they perform well in school, do their homework on time, and complete their chores that they will be rewarded with extra screentime.

Sometimes kids really do need access to the internet for schoolwork, do conduct research for papers, study for tests, type up reports, etc. Some parental control software include monitoring tools so that you can keep an eye on what sites your kids have been visiting. If you see that they have been watching entertainment videos on YouTube or casually chatting on Facebook Messenger when they should’ve been doing school related stuff, you can restrict those sites / apps from them and only allow access as a reward.

One parental time control program that is easy for parents to use and manage is Qustodio. Not only can you easily set a time schedule / screen limits on each child’s device, you can also block and manage the apps and websites they visit. One of the best features of Qustodio is the Location Tracking / Panic Button for emergencies.