Parental Control

Parental Apps for iPhone: Tips on What to Look for in the Best Security for Your Child’s Smartphone

Dangers literally lurk everywhere in the age of the internet. This can be challenging for parents who want to protect their kids from every danger from viruses to predators. While there are many free parental controls out there, they are not all easy to understand. It’s best to have all-inclusive parental apps for iPhone so that you can have all the tools you need in a single web portal.

There really is no one “perfect” solution, but there are some good ones offered by the leading names in internet security. What should a parental control app come with? A few important features to look for include:

• A feature that allows you to regulate each child’s activities.
• The ability to create a profile for each child and customize settings for each child.
• Reports on each kid’s activities over the course of the day, week, or even month.
• Social media monitoring, text message monitoring, friend request monitoring, etc.
• The ability to block each child from content that would be inappropriate for that particular age.
• Some sort of GPS tracking technology so that you can stay updated to your child’s general whereabouts.
• Screen time management and control.

Ideally, all of these features should be presented in an easy-to-understand manner. You should be able to customize settings without any difficulties via the web portal. Read reviews on parental apps for iPhone to see what other parents are saying about the ease-of-use of each product.

Feature Extension of Parental Apps for iPhone

Some apps will give an extension of these features. For instance, not only will you be able to keep an eye on their whereabouts with a GPS tracer, some parental control solutions will allow you to set a specific “safe area”, and should your child leave that “safe area” you define, you will receive an alert in real-time.

What about text management? Kids these days spend WAY too much time texting, when they should be doing other important things like doing research for school. You should be able to set limits to the amount of time they spend on their smartphones, or even block messages on their phones from unknown people. Depending on the app you choose, you might receive alerts whenever he or she adds a new contact.

Once again, there is no “perfect” solution, but there are some really good parental apps for iPhone that are worth investing in – especially Kaspersky Safe Kids. It’s available as a Free version and a Pro version – the latter offers a lot more essential features and protection.

Never turn down a chance to use a Kaspersky Lab discount code – it will really help you save on products such as parental apps for iPhone. It’s definitely a good option for any parent who needs a comprehensive, yet easy to use security solution for their child.

Parental Control

Screen Time Parental Control Overview: The Importance of Limiting Children’s Internet Screen Time & Choosing the Right Program

Kids these days have never known what it was like to live and play in a world in which there was no internet connection. Parents have the difficult task of trying to limit their children’s screen time and encouraging them do homework or go outside and play and socialize with other kids. As helpful as the internet can be, too much of it could potentially be harmful towards a child’s cognitive abilities, or increase their chances of developing social anxiety. This is why it is so important to use screen time parental control tools.

On top of emotional and mental developmental problems, a kid who spends way too much time staring at a screen could wind up with physical difficulties like weight problems, eye strain, and lack of sleep.

How can you successfully limit your child’s screen time? How can you get him or her to be more productive with school work and to perform physical exercise? There are some really useful parental control suites that come with screen time limitation tools. These tools will give you control over your children’s internet use, both on their computer(s) and mobile devices like tablets and smartphones.

You don’t even have to be in the same room with them. Simply install the app and you’ll have remote control over their devices. Turn it off whenever you want or set a scheduled time when they are no longer able to access the internet, such as bedtime or dinner time. Set aside some time every day to turn all internet devices off and dedicate that time to do family activities together, or to encourage them to go play with friends.

What to Consider When Comparing Screen Time Parental Control Software

When you are comparing parental control tool providers, it’s important to consider things such as the scope of the service and pricing. In addition to screen time control, you should also get monitoring tools, inappropriate content blocking tools, and even GPS location services. For teens on social media, you might want to consider keeping an eye on who they are becoming friends with and who they are getting requests from.

Installation and user-interface are also important features. How easy will it be to install the app or software on your children’s devices? Will you be able to manage all of the devices remotely from a web-based Family Portal? Can you get started with a free trial?

Which program should you use? Qustodio reviews and high ratings prove that this is an excellent screen time parental control program. It offers all of the features your family needs, and is available as a free trial. It’s easy to use and allows you to manage all devices and usage allowances.

Start taking control of your kids’ internet screen time right now by using this program. With Qustodio promotional codes, you can get it at a very affordable price. It’s a must-have, reliable screen time parental control suite that comes with many other useful features as well.

Norton Logo

Norton Security Suite Parental Controls Review: What Are the Helpful Features and Benefits of Norton Family Premier?

Make the internet safer for your children to explore by installing a highly reliable suite of parental controls on your devices as well as theirs. You can keep track of everything they do via an online web portal, which can be accessed through your device or PC. Stay informed of what they are up to -and who they are talking to, and block inappropriate content from them by using Norton Security Suite Parental Controls.

Also known as Norton Family Premier, this set of tools offers an effective solution to guarding your kids online. It’s okay to allow your kids to explore the World Wide Web, but they should be kept safe when doing so. Prevent them from coming across negative things or sites they are too young to view by blocking that content. If you’re unsure, simply create a profile for each child, enter the details such as that child’s age and developmental level, and Norton will offer suggestions.

It’s important to help kids develop a balance. Screen time management is something that they absolutely need to learn. Kids spend way too much time on their smartphone these days that it sometimes hinders their development and interferes with other aspects of their lives, such as homework, sleep, social interaction, and so forth. With this Norton suite, you can schedule what times of the day they can use their smartphones and PC. Set time limits so that they don’t stay online for too long.

More Useful Features of Norton Security Suite Parental Controls

Another useful feature is search monitoring. This helps you keep track of your children’s search queries on all devices on all search engines. Learn about their surfing habits so if they are looking at something that concerns you, you can sit down and have a family talk. When they are supposed to be doing homework, you can use this feature to make sure they are not looking at something else and wasting time.

Social media is a huge part of everyone’s lives these days – especially for teenagers. See how frequently your teens log on to their social media accounts. There is also a feature with Norton Security Suite parental controls that allow you to glance what they have been doing on their connected devices / computers over the past 30 days so that you can spot trends and help curb emerging bad habits if there are any.

A few other features include YouTube Video Supervision, Text Message Supervision, Location Supervision, and an easy-to-use web portal. No matter how old your children are, Norton Security Suite parental controls are worth investing in.

Now that you know what all it comes with, you can start looking for discounts on Norton Security Suite parental controls as well as related products. Norton coupons are easy to find and use when shopping online for security products.

Parental Control

Best Parental App for iPhone Overview: What Features and Tools Are Ideal for Parents?

You never know what your child might be looking at on his or her mobile devices, so it’s good to have an app that will allow you to block inappropriate content and monitor who your child is speaking with. The best parental app for iPhone will allow you to keep track of everything via a web browser on your own phone or PC. You can simply create a profile for each child and make a list of content you want to block each child from viewing, depending on factors such as age. The app should offer suggestions and advice if you are unsure.

Another useful benefit of smartphone / tablet parental apps is that they give you some control of how long each kid should be allowed to spend on the device. Set screen time limits. You can schedule for their phones to lock at dinnertime and bedtime, for instance. This kind of feature teaches them healthy time management habits.

Are you afraid of bad or untrustworthy people trying to contact your children? You should be able to control who calls or texts them. Have a “trusted contacts” section on their phone where you can add people you know and delete or block people you don’t know or trust. The ideal program will also allow you to block incoming calls from unknown contacts.

Viruses and spyware are problems that can occur on a child’s iPhone – especially if they are too young and vulnerable to scams. What if some hacker gets through and starts spying through the phone camera? Reduce the chances of them opening a dangerous attachment or getting hacked by installing a program with threat detection features.

Tracking in the Best Parental App for iPhone

The main reason why many parents are interested in the best parental app for iPhone is for the tracking technology. You can receive reports and updates of where your child’s whereabouts throughout the day. If he or she ever goes anywhere without your permission, you will be able to see it. If you have teens going on trips with friends, there should be an option for them to sign in to the app and check in with you so that you’ll know they arrived at their destination safely.

While there are plenty of free parental control tools and apps for the iPhone, the free ones don’t offer all of the comprehensive features mentioned above. For many people’s security needs, Bitdefender is considered to be a high rated company. It offers some amazing features and a user-friendly interface with its parental controls app. It’s in your best interest to consider Bitdefender Parental Control as the best parental app for iPhone.

The best thing about Bitdefender parental controls and its other security products is that they are so affordable. If you want discounts on the best parental app for iPhone, you can get them easily. Just take a look at Bitdefender coupons to learn more.

Parental Control

App to Limit iPad Use: Guide to Parental Control Programs & Why You Should Use One

Kids these days spend way too much time staring at screens and get exposed to all types of material, much of which is inappropriate. Luckily, there are now parental control tools available to help them learn time management. If you are concerned about your child’s excessive use of his or her iPad, you can install an app to limit iPad use.

According to research, approximately 25% of teenagers claim that their parents know “very little” or “nothing at all” about what they do online. Even if you want to give them some privacy, you should still have some level of control about their usage. There are a lot of bad people and predators out there that are always looking for vulnerable children. Even peers from school can be big, mean bullies. If your children don’t spend as much time online, they will be less likely to become victims of cyber bullying or worse.

A lot of cyber security companies offer parental controls, which include an app to limit iPad use. Just make sure the app you choose works on Apple iOS devices.

Typically, parents will be able to access the screen time tools by logging into their account via the security company’s website, or on the app itself. When signed into the account, you should be able to view reports regarding your child’s activities, including the amount of time spent on the tablet, and the types of content he or she is viewing. The tools will be at your disposal to set time limits and block any kind of content you feel is inappropriate.

Develop Good Habits With an App to Limit iPad Use

One way you can make use of these apps is to help your children develop positive habits. Do this by rewarding them with additional screen time whenever they complete certain tasks or do well in school. On the other hand, you can take away screen time as a form of punishment.

While there are free versions of these apps, the free versions tend to be limiting. For instance, you might not be able to monitor your child’s location and social media activities. Some parental control programs won’t allow you to receive real time alerts of block / suspicious activity if you are just using the free version.

The premium paid programs DO usually come with a free trial, so test out all of the premium features in their entirety before making your decision on whether you want to stick with it. There are usually a lot of great tools and features in addition to an app to limit iPad use. Which program should you use? Kaspersky Safe Kids often gets positive reviews. You’ll definitely want to give it a try.

Not only is there a free trial available, you can also use Kaspersky coupon codes to help you get Safe Kids Premium at an affordable price. It’s definitely a good choice of an app to limit iPad use. There are plenty of other essential parental control tools as well.

Parental Control

Parental Control Apps Guide – Essential, Must-Have Features That Come with the Top Programs

While you might not want to be a “helicopter parent”, it’s still a good idea to set up some parental controls on your child’s smartphone, laptop, tablet, etc. The great thing about some parental control apps is that they allow you to create an individual profile for each child. For younger kids, you can put security measures in place to prevent them from seeing inappropriate content. For teens, you can take advantage of “limit screen time” tools that allow you to turn off their smartphone or laptop when they should be doing homework or eating at the dinner table.

Some parents are primarily concerned about who their kids are texting with and talking to on social media. This is another benefit of some parental control apps. With kids doing the majority of their communicating through texting, it’s important to have a tool that helps monitor it all. You can be alerted whenever your child gets a new contact. If it’s a person you don’t know, or there is something about them that doesn’t seem right, you should be given the option to block messages from that contact, or even block the messenger program altogether.

Depending on the parental control program you choose, you might even be able to read the text messages themselves. While some parents don’t like the idea of snooping too much into their child’s privacy – especially teens – it might be good to have that feature if you ever suspect that your child is in contact with somebody who could potentially be dangerous.

Emergencies Can Be Handled With Parental Control Apps

If there IS ever an emergency, you might be able to track your kid’s location, as some parental control apps offer some type of location tracking. Put a “Panic Button” on his or her phone so that he/she can call for help instantly. This will let you know where they are at and if there is a potentially dangerous situation going on. An additional feature some programs offer is a log that you can view to see where your child has been earlier in the day.

Balancing screen time is very important for some parents because they feel that their children spend way too much time looking at the screen. As mentioned above, you can use screen time limiting tools to help teach your child time management. Try to encourage him or her to do something more productive instead of staring at the phone or laptop all day.

The top parental control apps that offer all of these essential features and tools aren’t free, but that doesn’t mean they have to cost a lot of money. With Qustodio discounts, for instance, you can get everything you need at an affordable price. There are different solutions available for Families, Schools, and Businesses.

Get a Qustodio Premium Plan deal by using a coupon or promo code. It’s by far one of the best and cheapest parental control apps. Reviews are overwhelmingly positive and Qustodio works on all devices and OS, including Kindle.

Parental Control

Best Parental App for iPhone – Important Features and Services Parents Should Consider

There are a lot of developers of child monitoring applications and they all claim that theirs are the absolute best. Since they all can’t be #1, it’s important to consider some of the features and functions of each and every app before making a decision. It also must be noted that the best parental app for iPhone for you might not be the same for other parents. A lot of it depends on your family’s needs.

What level of control do you want over your child’s smartphone? How much monitoring do you want to do? Some parents are extremely protective and others want to give their child as much privacy and freedom as possible. The ideal iPhone app will allow the parent to make as many decisions and configurations as possible, through a simple, straightforward process.

One useful feature is App Management. While you might not care which games your child plays on their mobile device, you might be concerned if you find that they are installing dating apps or apps that will allow them to chat with strangers. Whether you want to monitor their usage of such apps or outright block them, the parental control service should allow you to do so.

More Useful Ideas for the Best Parental App for iPhone

How easy is the child profile creation process with a particular program? The best parental app for iPhone should offer a straightforward process in creating a profile for each of your children. You should be able to simply enter the name, gender, and age of a child in the corresponding fields, and then automatically receive a list of settings that are considered appropriate for that particular child, based upon child development standards. If you don’t necessarily agree with some of the recommended settings, you should be able to change them. After all, you know your own kid better than any app does.

Another useful option is to limit the amount of time your children spend on their iPhones. If it’s difficult to have an actual family conversation, or you simply cannot get them to do their homework, it’s time to turn off their phones through a parental app. Just set the iPhone to go off during the times and hours you specify.

Other things the best parental app for iPhone will allow you to do is:

• Keep an eye on your child’s current position using the GPS tracking system, thanks to a “Location feature”.
• View Location tracking history.
• Remotely enable the Wi-Fi or GPS on the device.
• Monitor their social media activities.
• Receive alerts whenever they get a text or send out a text with someone with whom you are not familiar.

What is the best parental app for iPhone? Bitdefender is an excellent choice as it offers all of these features and is easy to setup and use.

Get Bitdefender Parental Control discounts that will help you save on the Premium version. It’s still by far the best parental app for iPhone – even if you stick with the free, basic version.

Parental Control

Parental Control Apps Tips – How to Monitor and Control Your Child’s Mobile Phone and Tablet Use

Parents always want to know what their kids are up to – especially if it’s something that could potentially be dangerous. Even if you want to give your children some freedom, you’ll still want to protect them from seeing certain websites or talking to strangers on social media. Reasons such as these are why parental control apps are gaining in popularity.

These apps provider tools and services that allow parents to monitor or even control the content that their children can access on their tablets and phones. With filtering tools, you can automatically censor certain types of content that you don’t want your child to see. Simply create a “profile” for each child with information such as age, and you’ll get a list of topics that might be unsuitable for a child of that age. In addition to pornography, parents generally don’t want their child to see content that could be considered hateful, racist, or violent.

There are also tools that allow parents to monitor what children are up to. How much of this you want to view is up to you, as some parents do want to respect their child’s privacy. With some parental control apps, there is a monitoring algorithm, which will automatically send an alert to the parents’ mobile device or email should there be any questionable activity. The number of profiles you can create for your children, and the types of monitoring and communication methods vary from one program to the next.

How can you access the information? The parental control app you use will likely provide a centralized location featuring all of the tools and settings. Go with an app that is easy and straightforward to use. Read reviews to find out what other parents are saying.

Treating Screen-Addiction With Parental Control Apps

If you are concerned that your kid may be getting “addicted” to their tablet or smartphone, some apps will actually allow you to manage their app use and screen time. Limit the number of hours per day the can use their device. This will help them develop healthier habits.

Another neat feature that many parents find very useful is the ability to get an overview of their children’s social media activities. You can receive alert every time they have a new friend on Facebook, and view their public activities.

Perhaps the most important feature to look for in parental control apps is the GPS tracker. Whenever your teenager is gone past curfew, you can check and see where they are at, or view a report of where they have been at various points of the day.

Out of all parental control apps, which should you choose? Kaspersky Safe Kids tends to get a lot of positive reviews, and it offers all of the aforementioned features. It’s available at a reasonable price, and you can save money by using Kaspersky discount codes.

Since it’s available in both the Apple App Store and Google Play, you can install Kaspersky Safe Kids on all of your family’s phones. Be sure to look for Kaspersky coupons first so that you can get it and other security tools at a lower price. It’s definitely one of the best parental control apps.

Parental Control

App to Limit iPad Use – Spend More Time With Your Kids with a Good Parental Control App

Are you getting concerned with your child’s obsessive iPad use? If it seems as if the family can’t even have a real, meaningful conversation anymore, it might be time to limit their use. You can, of course, limit your own use as well if YOU spend too much time on your tablet. The best way to do this is to install an app to limit iPad use.

If you’re a parent, then the best kind of app that offers this type of service is one that comes with family protection and safety features, such as a parental control program. You could simply try to encourage your kids to participate in “real” family activities such as playing board games, sitting at the dining room table during dinner rather than eating up in their rooms, doing some outdoor activities, and so forth. However, unless you physically wrestle their iPad or phone out of their hands, there’s no guarantee that they will be able to put it down.

Ultimately, you’ll need to install a parental control app on their iPad so that you can control their usage. Limit the number of hours per day they can use it. Some apps will even let you specify the times during which you want it to be automatically locked. Most parents choose dinner hours and bedtime to turn off their kids’ tablets.

When you install an app to limit iPad use, the configurations and setting should be easy to understand. There is usually a “Family Portal” that you can access on your own device or PC, from which you can control your children’s activities. During the hours in which the device will be locked up, Google Chrome or Safari will no longer be able to access websites. You can choose to lock only some apps and functions or everything on the entire iPad except for perhaps emergency features.

Other Benefits of Parental Controls

Monitor or even outright block use of certain apps. With the right iPad parental control tools, you can monitor your child’s use of apps such as Facebook Messenger, eBay, Dropbox, Tumblr, Twitter, Twitch, Tinder, iTunes, Google Drive, and a wide variety of games and other social media applications. Is your child spending way too much time on a Pinterest? Or playing way too many games from the App store? Perhaps he or she is watching too much Netflix instead of doing homework or going to bed early. You can easily set time limits on each of these apps for each day of the week.

Which app to limit iPad use should you install? Qustodio is increasingly becoming a popular program. It’s available for other Apple devices and Android devices as well. You can actually install it for FREE right now. It’s worth considering upgrading to access premium features. Three subscription options are available for families of varying sizes.

Whether you only have one child or eight, there is an ideal subscription plan for you. You can get a good deal with Qustodio discounts. Install the program on every mobile device in the family. It’s an excellent choice as an app to limit iPad use.

Parental Control

Parental Control Software: How Can You Choose Ideal Tools to Protect Your Kids? What Should You Look For?

It’s not easy being a parent in the digital age. You likely have concerns about what your children are up to when they’re using their smartphones or laptops. It’s almost impossible to keep them away from all of the dangers lurking on the internet. However, with the right parental control software, you can protect them as much as possible. The right software will also be easy to use so you won’t have to worry about spending too much time or hard work with it. Keeping your kids safe doesn’t have to be a chore.

The specifics of what you can do with parental controls vary depending on which product you choose. In short, they all allow parents to limit what their kids can and cannot do on electronic devices. The better ones have some sort of location tracking so parents can keep up with their child’s whereabouts. A report is usually given on where they have been over a period of time.

Everybody knows that there is a lot of stuff on the web that is not safe for children. Parental control software usually allows parents to create a profile for each child which includes information such as that child’s age and what kinds of sites you want to restrict that child from viewing. There tend to be a lot more restrictions for younger children. If you’re unsure about what you want your teenager to see, some suites will have a pre-configuration default profile for every age group. You can view these settings for some ideas.

Benefits of Parental Control Software

Protect your kids from potentially harmful strangers with the ability to track calls & SMS messages. Who does your child text and call every day? Who is trying to contact them? You can turn certain chatting apps off as well, such as FaceTime, if you don’t want them doing video-chatting. You can choose specific times to allow them to use these apps, and then have their phones and tablets locked at bedtime and at dinner.

Here is an overview of popular features on parental control software:

• Advanced social media monitoring (especially FaceBook)
• Smart web filters
• Time restrictions (on each device)
• Games and apps blocking and restricting (on mobile devices)
• Priority support
• Extended reporting on child’s whereabouts, SMS recipients, contacts, etc.
• Call blocking
• “Panic alert” (Android devices)

What is the best program that offers all of these features? Many experts recommend Qustodio. Reviews are very positive as this is a popular program. Choose from a variety of plans depending on the size of your family and the number of devices on which you want to run the parental control software.

There is a free version that you can try for one device as well. Use Qustodio coupon codes to help you get a good deal when you upgrade. This is a great, well-rounded program with all the tools you need for keeping your entire family safe.